Staff Profile
Dr Ivan CK Tam
Associate Professor in Marine Engineering Design & Technology; Director of Innovation & Engagement
- Telephone: +65 6908 6009
- Address: Newcastle University
172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8
#05-01 SIT Building (Nanyang Polytechnic)
Singapore 567739
Roles and Responsibilities
PhD (Newcastle), BEng (Newcastle)
Ivan is Associate Professor with a wealth of experience in multi-disciplinary research and a strong track record of leading innovative teaching projects. Upon completing his engineering training in thermal power stations and shipyards, he established his research interest at the then Cranfield Institute of Technology as a Research Officer. He has strong interest in the combustion process, exhaust emission control, energy management and renewable energy technology. His recent research interest is the application of cryogenic technology in the reduction of ship hull resistance. as well as ballast water and sewage water treatment technologies. He has a good connection with engineering companies through the network of learned societies and consultancy work with local industries in Singapore. He is a Fellow member, Assessor of Registration, the Honorary Advisor and Immediate Past Chairman of the Joint Branch (IMarEST & RINA). He received the President's Commendation Award from IMarEST in 2016. He was the Director of Operations in Marine Technology (Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture & Offshore Engineering) at the Singapore campus prior to his current appointment as the Director of Innovation & Engagement. A key aim of this new office is to increase the number of engagement and partnership with Singapore industry.
- Chartered Engineer (Marine & Offshore Engineering) - Institution of Engineers, Singapore
- Chartered Engineer - Engineering Council, UK
- Chartered Marine Engineer - Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, UK
- Senior Member - Institution of Engineers, Singapore
- Fellow Member - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
- Fellow Member - Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, UK
- Fellow Member - Higher Education Academy, UK
- 2020: Who’s Who in Engineering, Institution of Engineers.
- 2018: Outstanding Contribution to Marine Education Award, IMarEST
- 2016: President's Commendation Award from IMarEST
Esteemed Indicators
- PAEC Member, Accreditation Panel, Asia Pacific, IMarEST, 2022
- Guest Editor, Advanced Thermal Systems, Special Issues, Energies, MDPI, 2022
- Editor and co-author, Optimization of Heat & Mass Exchange, eBook, MDPI Books, 2020
- Guest Editor, Energies, Thermal Systems - Special Issue, Open Access by MDPI, 2020
- Guest Editor, Entropy, Advances in Thermodynamics III - Special Issue, Open Access by MDPI, 2019
- Guest Editor, Processes, Optimization of Heat & Mass Exchange - Special Issue, Open Access, MDPI 2019
- International Committee Member, Environmental, Industrial and Energy Engineering, EI2E, 2017, 2019 & 2020
- Invited Speaker, PLM User Workshop, "Leveraging Performance Engineering to predict real world behavior of products throughout the product lifecycle", 2018
- Panel Member, IMarEST Accreditation Panel of Higher Education Courses, 2018 onwards
- Outstanding Contribution to Marine Education - Institute of Marine Science and Technology, 2018
- Expert Reviewer - Second Order Draft (SOD) of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2019 Refinement) - IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel
- Expert Reviewer - Second Order Draft (SOD) of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C (SR15) - IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel
- Invited speaker - Technical Talk : Joint Branch RINA & IMarEST, 20 June 2018
- Invited Speaker and Opening Panelist: Asia Pacific Maritime, Conference & Exhibition, 14 March 2018
- International Technical Committee - 2nd International Workshop on Energy Conservation Technologies (IWECT 2018), Bangkok, October, 2018
- Chairman - Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST (Singapore), 2015 - 2017
- Honorary Advisor - Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST (Singapore), 2017 – 2019
- Honorary Auditor – Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST (Singapore), 2019 - 2021
- Board Member - Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships - Special Interest Group, IMarEST, 2017 onwards
- Council Member - IMarEST, London, UK, 2018 onwards
- Member, Professional Affairs and Education Committee (PAEC), IMarEST, 2018 onwards
- Board Member - Chartered Engineer (Singapore) Registry, Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 2016 onwards
- Academic Panel - IES Academy, Institution of Engineers, Singapore - 2016 onwards
- IMarEST President's Commendation Award, UK, 2016
- Organizing Committee - Offshore Supply Vessel Conference, 2016
- Opening Address - 5th Mobil Offshore Drilling Unit Conference, "Innovation, Cost & Technology", Singapore, 17 March, 2016
- International Professional Review Assessor, IMechE, UK 2015 onwards
- PRI Assessor - Chartered Engineer Registration, IMarEST, UK, 2014 onwards
- Session Chairman - Public Lecture - Public Lectures "Development of Marine and Offshore Engineering, Past, Present & Future". 10 Sept, 2014
- Certificate of Appreciation - Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 2015 & 2018
- Technical Chairman, 4th MARTECH International Conference and Exhibition, 2000
Research Profile
- The efficient transportation and conversion of liquid to gas fuel with the use of heat exchangers on board ship is vital in terms of economy and environment protection The efficient use of LNG fuel as marine fuel is being studied in various projects. The combination of the clean fuel and the development of an efficient hull of low resistance is the currently the research theme of the Singapore research team.
- Combustion process in Internal Combustion Engines with fossil fuels. The combination of experimental techniques and theoretical studies are used to investigate combustion process and its correlation with fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions in marine and automotive engines. Simulation programs of engine cycles are developed to compare and correlate with experimental data found.
- Various techniques were developed to investigate the combustion and fuel atomization process in the gas turbine engines. The knowledge developed from the understanding from these processes are expected to yield better fuel efficiency and reduction of exhaust emissions. The experimental techniques include the use of laser diagnostics in examination of pressure atomized spray as well as the cross-correlation of drop sizing techniques.
- Scopus
- ResearchGate
- Google Scholars
Current Research Projects
- Decarbonization of Marine Transportation
- Marine Application and Transportation of LNG
- Organic Rankine Cycle for energy conversion and management
- Refrigeration cycles and cryogenic technologies of LNG
Areas for PhD supervision/ Potential PhD Projects
- Removal of marine exhaust emissions with wet scrubbers
- Application of organic Rankine cycle in shipboard energy management
- Net Zero marine technologies meeting IMO 2050 targets
- Use of alternative fuels in replacement of oil and gas for marine engines
Research Editorial and Reviewer Activities:
- Entropy - Special Issue - Advances in Applied Thermodynamics - Open Access Journal - MDPI AG
- Open Access Journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417) Special Issue: "Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) for Ground Transport"
- Open Access - International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2017 (EI2E 2017)
- WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA) - ISSN: 1651-436X (Print) 1654-1642 (Online) - Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology - Taylor & Francis online
- Book Peer Reviewer - Computer-Aided Control System Design - Practical Applications using Matlab & Simulink
**Top 4 Reviewer on PUBLONS (Last 12 Months) for Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
External Funded Projects
1. EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Phase 2 – Joint Research in Urban Sustainability with NUMED, NU‐Singapore (Dr Ivan CK Tam), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and the National University of Singapore and Malaysian Ministry of Health. This project will create a research team, including engineers, scientists, and health experts at Newcastle University, NUMED, NU-Singapore and local partners, to refine this technology, set-up a field-trial in suburban villages, and initiate community health assessments of improved water quality; increasing research integration across campuses and raising the bar among all groups. Waste management in suburban villages often lags behind economic growth in emerging countries (e.g. Malaysia), leaving peripheral communuities without adequate wastewater treatment, poor water quality, and increased exposure to infectious disease.
PI: Professor David Graham (School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences)
2. Funded by Singapore Maritime Institute - “Reduction of Resistance on Ship Hull by TFI Lubrication Technology”
Industry Collaborator - A leading shipping company in Singapore
Recipient of Inaugural of Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) Research Funding Grant Call, "Maritime Energy Systems R&D Programme" 18th July, 2013
PI – Centre of Innovation, Ngee Ann Polytechnic/Maritime Institute @NP
3. Research project for gas turbine for Rolls Royce and European Communities
- EC funded BRITE/EURAM low emissions combustor technology programme (To investigate the limitations of 1-D phase Doppler particle analyser for drop size and velocity measurement in a dense spray at elevated air pressure conditions
- Ford (UK) Motors funded project on lean burn internal combustion engines
4. Ford (UK) Motors funded project on lean burn internal combustion engines
“An Examination of the Combustion Process in the Lean Burn Spark Ignition Engines”
Industry Collaborator - Ford Motor Company Ltd
Internal Funded Projects
1. "Development of multi-generation system for passenger ships with LNG and bio-wastes as prime heat sources", SAgE Newcastle-Singapore Scholarship, awarded in April 2016, GBP80,000. Joint Supervisor: Dr Dawei Wu
2. "Development of Dynamic Strain Sensor for Monitoring Integrity of Marine Structures", NSS1712, SAgE Newcastle-Singapore Scholarship, awarded in March 2017, GBP80,000. Joint Supervisor: Dr Wai Lok Wu.
MPil / PhD scholarships (for Polytechnic and University Staff)
1. CHIN, Yuen Yeen Terence (under NU Scholarship for Polytechnic and University in Singapore)
“Reducing Shipping Emissions with an Integrated Wet Scrubbing Process” - 2015
PhD Candidate (Nanyang Polytechnic)
MPil / PhD studentships (for Marine Industry)
1. NG, Chun Wee
"Dynamic simulation of waste heat recovery system using organic Rankine cycle (ORC) onboard a LNG fueled offshore service vessel" - 2016
3.1 Part of the work was published in the "International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS) 2017. “A study into the waste heat recovery using organic Rankine cycle (ORC) onboard LNG fueled ships”.
3.2 Part of his work was also published in the Elsevier Applied Energy Conference 2018. "System Modelling Of Organic Rankine Cycle For Waste Energy Recovery System In Marine Applications"
Safe Affordable Ferry Design Competition - First Prize (2018) - Worldwide Ferry Safety Association
Newcastle University led Singapore Collaborative with students of NTU and SMU.
Outstanding Contribution to Marine Education (2017) - IMarEST
- "Learning and teaching sustainability through Marine Engineering design", Learning and Teaching Conference: Education for Life: celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation, 21 March 2018, Newcastle University
- MNO3101 Integrated Work Study Programme
- MNO3111 Marine Engineering Design (Module Leader)
- MNO3102 Internal Combustion Engines (Module Leader)
- MNO3105 Marine Engineering 3 (Module Leader)
- MNO3114 Final Year Capstone Project
Undergraduate Project Supervision
- A Study of the Shipbuilding Technology of LNG Carriers
- Formulation Stability Requirements for Anchor Handling Tug & Supply (AHTS) Vessels
- Feasibility Study of Carbon Sequestration in SEA
- Estimate the Natural Frequency of Engine Crankshaft
- MAR8233 Advanced Marine Engineering
- MAR8234 Advanced Marine Design & Project Management
- MAR8235 Regulatory Framework & Marine Survey (Module Leader)
- MAR8297 Dissertation
- MAR8299 Project & Report
Postgraduate MSc Project Supervision
- Improving commissioning schedule of Jack Up drilling rigs in the dry dock
- The risk analysis framework of an accomodation and repair vessel
- Impact of Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 on design and performance of new ships
- Ng C, Tam ICK, Wetenhall B. Waste Heat Source Profiles for Marine Application of Organic Rankine Cycle. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(8), 1122.
- Chin T, Tam IC, Yin C-Y. Comparison of various chemical compounds for the removal of SO2 and NOx with wet scrubbing for marine diesel engines. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29, 8873-8891.
- Ng CW, Tam ICK, Wu D. Thermo-Economic Performance of an Organic Rankine Cycle System Recovering Waste Heat Onboard an Offshore Service Vessel. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020, 8(5), 13.
- Ng CW, Tam ICK, Wu D. System Modelling of Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Energy Recovery System in Marine Applications. Energy Procedia 2019, 158, 1955-1961.
- Ng C, Tam ICK. Overview of Waste Heat Recovery Technologies for Maritime Applications. 38th SNAMES Annual Journal 2019, 1(1), 13. In Preparation.
- Chia YH, Tam CKI, Dev AK. Impact of Maritime Labour Convention on Design of New Ships. Maritime Business Review 2018, 2(4), 376-388.
- Agnew B, Walker S, Ng B, Tam ICK. Maximum output from a tri-generation cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering 2015, 90, 1015-1020.
- Agnew B, Walker S, Ng B, Tam ICK. Finite Time Analysis of a Tri-Generation Cycle. Energies 2015, 8(6), 6215-6229.
- Tam I, Zhou PL. Technologies in ballast water treatment – an overview. 25th SNAMES Annual Journal 2001/02 2002, 64-79.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Chan WEL, Tam ICK, Dev AK. Research Analysis of Reforming Hydrogen Fuel for FLNG Application. In: Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia 2024). 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: One Petro.
- Chua MH, Tam I, Dev AK, Liu B. Identification of Hydrodynamic Coefficients in Nonlinear Maneuvering Model for an ESSO 190000 dwt Tanker by Least-Squares Support Vector Regression With Linear System. In: 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering. 2024, Singapore: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Chan WEL, Tam ICK, Dev AK. Case Studies of SMR Liquefaction for FLNG Applications. In: The Third World Conference on Floating Solutions (WCFS 2023). 2024, Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Ng C, Tam ICK, Wu D. Study of a Waste Energy Driven Organic Rankine Cycle Using Linear Piston Expander for Marine Applications. In: 5th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems. 2019, Athens, Greece: The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
- Tam ICK, Dev AK, Ng CW, Stoytchev I, Deltin L. Engineering Design in Retrofitting LNG Fuel Tanks for Shipping in Combating Exhaust Emissions. In: World Engineers Summit 2019. 2019, Singapore Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre: The Institution of Engineers, Singapore.
- Tam ICK, Dev AK, Ng CW, Deltin L, Stoytchev I. Concept Design of a Bulk Carrier Retrofit with LNG Fuel. In: International Conference on Marine Engineering and Technology Oman 2019. 2019, Military Technological College, Muscat, Oman: IMarEST.
- Ng C, Tam ICK, Wu D. System Modelling of Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Energy Recovery System in Marine Applications. In: 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018). 2018, Hong Kong: Elsevier.
- Ng CW, Tam ICK, Wu D. Modelling and Simulation of Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery of an Offshore Supply Vessel. In: International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS 2017). 2017, Singapore, South East Asia: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
- Chia R, Tam I, Dev AK. Maritime Sustainability and Maritime Labour Convention - Reducing Vibration and Noise Levels on Board Ships for Health and Safety of Seafarers. In: MARTECH 2017 SINGAPORE; Towards 2030: Maritime Sustainability through People and Technology. 2017, Singapore, South East Asia: Ultra Supplies.
- Tam ICK. An Effective Partnership of Professional Education in Marine and Offshore Technology. In: The 9th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2017. 2017, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong - C.Y. Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong - C.Y. Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies.
- Chia R, Tam I, Dev AK. Impact of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 on Design and Performance of New Ships - Vibration. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology and Operation of Offshore Support Vessels. 2016, Singapore: Research Publishing.
- Chia R, Tam I, Dev AK. Impact of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 on Design and Performance of New Ships - Noise. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology and Operation of Offshore Support Vessels. 2016, Singapore: Research Publishing.
- Chea WPD, Chatterjea K, Hanks K, Dev AK, Tam ICK. Formulating Stability Requirements for Anchor Handling Tug and Supply (AHTS) Vessels. In: International Conference on Technology and Operation of Offshore Support Vessels. 2013, Singapore: Research Publishing.
- Chin CS, Tan TGee, Tan L, Woo CHong, Tam ICK. Feasibility study of Geothermal in Singapore. In: World Engineers Summit 2013. 2013, Singapore, Asia: The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES).
- Hale JM, Tam ICK. Development of Polymer Based Piezoelectric Paint Sensor for Dynamic Strain Measurement. In: 22nd International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXII). 2013, Singapore, Southeast Asia: Research Publishing and Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES).
- Tam ICK, Saifuddin BALatiff, Mesbahi E. Development of a Low Cost Micro Hydropower Generator. In: World Engineers Summit 2013. 2013, Singapore, Southeast Asia: The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES).
- Tam ICK, Chin CS, Tay ZXB, Chew YYC, Koh TG. Application of Ocean Energy in Marine Aquatic Floating Farm. In: World Engineers Summit 2013. 2013, Singapore: The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES).
- Tam ICK, Tin AW, Wong PP. A New Paradigm of Collaboration in Maritime Teaching and Learning. In: International Conference on the Education and Professional Development of Engineers in the Maritime Industry. 2013, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. In Press.
- Murphy AJ, Tam ICK. Staff Exchange Teaching Model for an Offshore Campus. In: IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE). 2012, Hong Kong: IEEE.
- Chin C, Tam I. Online Rubric Assessment Tool for Marine Engineering Course. In: International Conference On Learning And Community Enrichment (ICOLACE 2012). 2012, Singapore, Asia.
- Tam ICK, Murkerjee P, Bhandari R. Using mathematical modeling technique to enhance engine room simulation training and assessment. In: The 9th International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS9). 2009, Kings Pont, New York, USA.
- Agnew B, Tam ICK. An Experimental Study of the Influence of Swirl on the Cyclical Variation of a Lean Burn Spark Ignition Engine. In: Special Meeting of Korean Society of Automobile Engineers, Proc. K.S.A.E. 1993, Seoul, Korea.
- Jasuja AK, Tam ICK. Examination of detailed structure of a pressure atomized spray using laser diagnostics. In: 8th ILASS-Europe. 1992, Shell-Laboratorium Amsterdam: Institute for Liquid Atomisation and Spray Systems.
- Jasuja AK, Tam CK. Determintion of airblast atomzed spray structure using state-of-art laser diagnostics. In: AIAA, SAE, ASME and ASEE, Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibition, 28th. 1992, Nashville, TN.
- Brandt M, Hassa Ch, Kneer R, Lisiecki D, Tam I, Ledoux M, Cormack G, Hawkins HL, Jasuja AK. Cross Correlation of Three Drop Sizing Techniques. In: 6th Int. Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. 1992, Lisboa, Portugal: Springer.
- Tam CK, McLean J, Jasuja AK. An experimental study of the detailed structure of an airblast atomized gas turbine spray. In: International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, 10th. 1991, Nottingham, England: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington DC.
- Angew B, Chan CL, Tam I. The Influence of Swirl and Fuel Type on Mass Burning Rates in a Spark Ignition Engine. In: Combustion in Engines. 1988.
- Agnew B, Tam I. Data Acquisition System and Instrumentation for Monitoring Lean Burn Combustion in a Spark Ignition Engine. In: Seminar on Methods in Engine Research and Development. 1988, London: Insitution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Agnew B, Chan CL, Tam I. The Influence of Swirl on Flame Propagation in a Spark Ignition Engine. In: 11th Int.Coll. Dynamics of Explosions. 1987, Warsaw, Poland.
- Agnew B, Palmer D, Tam I. An Examination of the use of a Variable Compression Ratio Piston in a Spark Ignition Engine. In: Seminar on the Practical Limits of Efficiency of Engines. 1986, London.
- Tam ICK, Agnew B. Thermal Systems - An Overview. Energies 2020, 14(1), 175.
- Agnew B, Tam ICK, Shi X. Optimization of heat and mass exchange. Processes 2020, 8(3), 314.