Staff Profile
Dr Muhammad Ramadan Saifuddin
Assistant Professor
- Email:
- Telephone: 69086068
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- Address: Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS)
SIT Building, Nanyang Polytechnic
172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 #05-01
Singapore 567739
Dr. Muhammad Ramadan Saifuddin is an Assistant Professor with Newcastle University in Singapore. He completed his PhD from Newcastle University, UK, which was fully funded by Electrical and Electronic Engineering Scholarship. He brings expertise in Transactive Energy & Control Systems, and Cyber-Physical Power Systems Security. He innovates multi-disciplinary technologies for the electric sector involving holistic coordination of Prosumers in the community settings, machine learning solution design, and cybersecurity penetration testing for power systems. He has been honored with several research award from professional societies and organizations.
Past Employment:
- Visiting Researcher at Illinois ARCS.
- Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Cyber Security, iTrust-SUTD.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Advanced Digital Sciences Center, CREATE@NUS.
- Adjunct Lecturer, Newcastle University in Singapore.
- Adjunct Faculty, Singapore Institute of Technology.
- PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Newcastle University, UK.
Professional Membership:
- Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK (FHEA)
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE)
- Secretary IEEE Power and Energy Society (Singapore Chapter)
- 2023 Outstanding Volunteer Award: IEEE Power and Energy Society Singapore Chapter.
- 2020 Best Conference Paper: "Impedance Source Inverter Wind Turbine and DC Collection System: Fault Ride-Through Analysis", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE 2020).
- 2018 IEEE Conference Travel Grant, IEEE PES International Innovation Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (IEEE PES ISGT-Asia), "Microgrid Management Encompassing AC & DC Renewable Generations with Energy Storages" and "Design and Simulation of a Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam for Mechanical Vibration Energy Harvesting".
- 2017 Best Conference Presentation: "Modelling, Simulation and Experimentation of Grid-Tied Inverter for Wind Energy Conversion System", IEEE International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA 2017).
- 2016 IEEE Conference Travel Grant, IEEE PES International Innovation Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (IEEE PES ISGT-Asia), "Solving Economic Dispatch with Transmission Line Losses Management".
- 2015 - 2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Postgraduate Scholarship, Newcastle University (UK).
Research Profile:
Evolving traditional into modern power grid system and operations (Smart Nation). In particular:
- Distributed Energy Resource Management System for Transactive Grid.
- Ancillary Services utilizing Distributed Energy Resources in Transactive Grid.
- Transactive Energy Market Trade and Policy.
- Renewable Energy Resources Integration for Low-Inertia Grid.
- Interdependence and Security of Cyber-Physical Power System (IT/OT convergence).
- Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems (Microgrid, Electrical Substation).
Current PhD students and their projects:
- Shiraz S/O Kaderuppan: AI-Enabled Technology for Cellular Imaging and Profiling
Singaporeans and Singapore PRs are welcome to join an Industrial Postgraduate Program (IPP), which is supported by Singapore Economical Development Board (EDB) to provide fully-funded 2-year Master (MbR) and 4-year PhD programs. Application is open throughout the year. If you are interested in the IPP, please email me for further discussion.
Candidates with external funding are also welcome to email me to discuss on the potential postgraduate research topics.
- Kaderuppan SS, Sharma A, Saifuddin MR, Wong WLE, Woo WL. Θ-Net: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for the Resolution Enhancement of Phase-Modulated Optical Micrographs In Silico. Sensors 2024, 24(19), 6248.
- Saifuddin R, Ramasamy N, Poh W. Design and Control of a DC Collection System for Modular-Based Direct Electromechanical Drive Turbines in High Voltage Direct Current Transmission. Electronics 2020, 9(3), 493.
- Poh W, Saifuddin R, Ramasamy TN. A Novel Self-Powered Dynamic System Using a Quasi-Z-Source Inverter-Based Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester. Electronics 2020, 9(2), 265.
- Saifuddin MRBM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Woo WL. Apprehending Fault Crises for an Autogenous Nanogrid System: Sustainable Buildings. IEEE Systems Journal 2019, 13(3), 3254-3265.
- Saifuddin MRBM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Woo WL. A Nano-biased Energy Management using Reinforced Learning Multi-Agent on Layered Coalition Model: Consumer Sovereignty. IEEE Access 2019, 7, 52542 - 52564.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Saifuddin R, Wei L, Tan H, Chen B. Coordinated Network Attacks on Microgrid Dispatch Function: An EPIC Case Study. In: 8th Workshop On The Security Of Industrial Control Systems & Of Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Saifuddin R, Yau D, Lou X. Reliability-Security Trade-Off for Distributed Reactive Power Control in Transactive Grid. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). 2021, Aachen, Germany: IEEE.
- Ramadan MBMS, Naayagi RT. Impedance Source Inverter Wind Turbine and DC Collection System: Fault Ride-Through Analysis. In: 3rd ICEPE 2020 Conference. 2021, NIT Meghalaya, India: IEEE.
- Yan W, Lou X, Yau D, Yang Y, Saifuddin R, Wu J, Winslett M. A Stealthier False Data Injection Attack against the Power Grid. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). 2021, Aachen, Germany: IEEE.
- Ramadan BMSM, Raj S, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Woo WL. Self-healing network instigated by distributed energy resources. In: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC. 2018, Bangalore, India: IEEE Computer Society.
- Qi Tong WP, Muhammad Ramadan BMS, Logenthiran T. Microgrid Management Encompassing AC DC Renewable Generations with Energy Storages. In: International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2018. 2018, Singapore, Singapore: IEEE.
- Tong WPQ, Saifuddin MRBM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Woo WL, Phan VT. High-Performance CLL Resonant Multi-Channel LED Driver for Lighting Application. In: 2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC). 2018, Singapore: IEEE.
- Tong WPQ, Muhammad Ramadan BMS, Logenthiran T. Design and Simulation of a Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam for Mechanical Vibration Energy Harvesting. In: International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2018. 2018, Singapore, Singapore: IEEE.
- Lim AWL, Teo TT, Ramadan M, Logenthiran T, Phan VT. Optimum long-term planning for microgrid. In: IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON. 2017, Penang, Malaysia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Ramadan BMSM, Naayagi RT, Yee WL. Modelling, Simulation and Experimentation of Grid Tied Inverter for Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Green Energy and Applications. 2017, Singapore, South East Asia: IEEE.
- Ramadan M, Hao ECJ, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Woo WL. Islanding detection of distributed generation in presence of fault events. In: IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON. 2017, Penang, Malaysia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Ramadan BMSM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Su C. Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Priority List to solve Economic Dispatch Problems. In: 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON). 2016, Singapore: IEEE.
- Ramadan BMSM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Su C. Accelerated Lambda Iteration Method for Solving Economic Dispatch with Transmission Line Losses Management. In: 2016 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT-ASIA). 2016, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE.
- Ramadan BMSM, Logenthiran T, Naayagi RT, Su C. Accelerated Lambda Iteration Method for solving economic dispatch with transmission line losses management. In: 2016 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia). 2016, Melbourne: IEEE.