Staff Profile
Dr Sze Sing Lee
Assistant Professor
- Telephone: +65 6908 6067
- Address: Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS)
SIT Building @ Nanyang Polytechnic
172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 #05-01
Singapore 567739
Dr Lee is an Assistant Professor and the Degree Programme Director of Electrical Power Engineering at Newcastle University in Singapore. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and he was a Guest Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He is a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering Council, UK, and currently serves as a Professional Review Interviewer and International Professional Registration Advisor.
Research Interests
• Power electronics for renewable integration and electrification
• Multilevel boost inverters, Impedance source converters, Modular multilevel converters, PWM scheme and control of power converters
- EPE3301 Power Electronics
- EPE2306 Group Design
- EPE 2307 Group Project
- Integrated Work Study Programme
- Final Year Project / Capstone Project
- EPE3202 Power Electronics
- Lee SS. Switched-Midpoint Boost Inverter (SMBI). IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2024, 61(1), 463-471.
- Barzegarkhoo R, Forouzesh M, Lee SS, Blaabjerg F, Siwakoti YP. Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverters: A Comprehensive Review. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2022, 37(9), 11209-11243.
- Lee SS, Siwakoti YP, Barzegarkhoo R, Blaabjerg F. A Novel Common-Ground-Type Nine-Level Dynamic Boost Inverter. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2022, 10(4), 4435-4442.
- Lee SS, Lee KB. Switched-Capacitor-based Modular T-type Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021, 68(7), 5725-5732.
- Lee SS, Siwakoti YP, Barzegarkhoo R, Lee KB. Switched-Capacitor-Based 5-Level T-Type Inverter (SC-5TI) with Soft-Charging and Enhanced DC-Link Voltage Utilization. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2021, 36(12), 13958-13967.
- Lim CS, Goh HH, Lee SS. Long-Prediction-Horizon Near-Optimal Model Predictive Grid Current Control for PWM-driven VSIs with LCL Filters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2021, 36(2), 2246-2257.
- Lee SS, Yang Y, Siwakoti YP, Barzegarkhoo R. Improved cascaded h‐bridge multilevel inverters with voltage‐boosting capability. Electronics 2021, 10(22), 2801.
- Barzegarkhoo R, Lee SS, Siwakoti YP, Khan SA, Blaabjerg F. Design, Control, and Analysis of a Novel Grid-Interfaced Switched-Boost Dual T-Type Five-Level Inverter With Common-Ground Concept. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021, 68(9), 8193-8206.
- Lee SS, Yang Y, Siwakoti YP. A Novel Single-Stage Five-Level Common-Ground-Boost-Type Active Neutral-Point-Clamped (5L-CGBT-ANPC) Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2021, 36(6), 6192-6196.
- Barzegarkhoo R, Siwakoti Y, Aguilera RP, Khan N, Lee SS, Blaabjerg FG. A Novel Dual-Mode Switched-Capacitor Five-Level Inverter With Common-Ground Transformerless Concept. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2021, 36(12), 13740 -13753.
- Lee SS, Yang Y, Siwakoti YP, Lee KB. A Novel Boost Cascaded Multilevel Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021, 68(9), 8072-8080.
- Lee SS, Lim CS, Lee K-B. Novel Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters with Improved Voltage-Boosting Capability. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020, 35(6), 5978-5986.
- Lim CS, Lee SS, Nutkani IU, Kong X, Goh HH. Near-Optimal MPC Algorithm for Actively Damped Grid-connected PWM-VSCs with LCL filters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2020, 67(6), 4578-4589.
- Lee SS, Lim CS, Siwakoti YP, Lee K-B. Dual-T-Type 5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (DTT-5L-CMI) with Double Voltage Boosting Gain. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020, 35(9), 9524-9531.
- Lee SS, Siwakoti YP, Lim CS, Lee K-B. An Improved PWM Technique to Achieve Continuous Input Current in Common-Ground Transformerless Boost Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 2020, 67(12), 3133-3136.
- Lee SS, Tan AST, Ishak D, Mohd-Mokhtar R. Single-Phase Simplified Split-Source Inverter (S3I) for Boost DC-AC Power Conversion. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2019, 66(10), 7643-7652.
- Panda KP, Lee SS, Panda G. Reduced Switch Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With New Selective Harmonic Elimination Control for Standalone Renewable Energy System. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2019, 55(6), 7561-7574.
- Lee SS, Bak Y, Kim SM, Joseph A, Lee KB. New Family of Boost Switched-Capacitor 7-Level Inverters (BSC7LI). IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34(11), 10471-10479.
- Lee SS, Lee KB, Alsoftyani IM, Bak Y, Wong JF. Improved Switched-Capacitor Integrated Multilevel Inverter with a DC Source String. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2019, epub ahead of print.
- Lee SS, Lim CS, Siwakoti YP, Lee K-B. Hybrid 7-Level Boost Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped (H-7L-BANPC) Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 2019, epub ahead of print.
- Lee SS, Lee KB. Dual-T-Type Seven-Level Boost Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34(7), 6031-6035.
- Alsofyani IM, Kim KY, Lee SS, Lee KB. A Modified Flux Regulation Method to Minimize Switching Frequency and Improve DTC-Hysteresis-Based Induction Machines in Low-Speed Regions. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2019, 7(4), 2346-2355.
- Lee SS. Single-Stage Switched-Capacitor Module (S3CM) Topology for Cascaded Multilevel Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(10), 8204-8207.
- Lee SS, Sidorov M, Lim CS, Idris NRN, Heng YE. Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (HCMLI) With Improved Symmetrical 4-Level Submodule. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(2), 932-935.
- Lee SS, Sidorov M, Idris NRN, Heng YE. A Symmetrical Cascaded Compact-Module Multilevel Inverter (CCM-MLI) With Pulsewidth Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65(6), 4631-4639.
- Lee SS. A Single-Phase Single-Source 7-Level Inverter With Triple Voltage Boosting Gain. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 30005-30011.
- Lee SS, Heng YE. Improved Single Phase Split-Source Inverter with Hybrid Quasi-Sinusoidal and Constant PWM. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2017, 64(3), 2024-2031.
- Lee SS, Chu B, Idris NRN, Goh HH, Heng YE. Switched-Battery Boost-Multilevel Inverter with GA Optimized SHEPWM for Standalone Application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2016, 63(4), 2133-2142.
- Lee SS, Iqbal S, Kamarol M. Control of ZCS-SR Inverter-Fed Voltage Multiplier-Based High-Voltage DC-DC Converter by Digitally Tuning Tank Capacitance and Slightly Varying Pulse Frequency. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2012, 27(3), 1076-1083.