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Master of Science (MSc)

The Master of Science (MSc) is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of a specific subject area normally lasting one year full-time.

Programme Details

The Master of Science program consists of various taught modules, lectures, seminars, and assessments. Its curriculum aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of a particular subject area.

If you’re thinking of pursuing a career that requires specialised knowledge and skills, a taught Master's could be a suitable degree option for you.

Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Management (Renewable Enterprise)

Newcastle University in Singapore is set to introduce the MSc in Energy Management (Renewable Enterprise) in September 2026. This program leverages the expertise of Newcastle University in both the UK and Singapore campuses.

It is designed to be industry-focused, providing students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and networks to thrive in the energy sector across Asia and beyond. Emphasizing industry engagement, mentorship, practical applications, and project work, the program ensures that students are well-prepared for global employment in the energy industries.


Energy Principles: This module includes key energy concepts, for example types of energy, measurements, technology and distribution. Students are also introduced to energy economics, and the regulatory and policy environment at the national and international levels. Key issues relating to sustainability and renewables are discussed.

Impact Analytics and Compliance: In this module students learn the methodology of energy assessments, reporting and compliances at the organisational level.  They are equipped with advanced skills to conduct energy impact assessments, analytics, policy development and corporate reporting. The module provides the techniques and tools that a Sustainability Manager would require.

Energy Management and Sustainability: This module is about how users practically manage energy, for example in buildings, transport and manufacturing. It includes learning how to conduct energy audits and assess energy efficiency in organisations. There are also topics on energy sustainability and compliances.

Sustainable Futures: Sustainable Futures focuses on entrepreneurship, innovation and value creation in the energy sector. It considers the economic, policy and social context, and the drivers for sustainability and innovation in energy. Students learn about energy enterprise and how to operate as energy innovators and leaders.

AI Applications for Energy: Students learn about the use of AI in energy demand forecasting, managing energy load, integration of renewable sources, as well as operating smart and localised grids. They also learn about the role of AI in sustainable, resilient and efficient energy systems.

Renewable Energy Enterprise: In this module, students learn about different types of renewable sources, technologies, innovations, scalability as well as the business models and commercial context. The impact of renewables on energy supplies at national and international levels, will also be considered.

Enterprise Project: This is an industry-based project that students undertake throughout their programme. It includes learning project management and research skills, and their use in real energy projects. Students will get the chance to network with industry and mentors. The practical application of project work in this module will enable students to become networked and confident energy practitioners.

Who Should Take This Programme

Recent graduates who aim to pursue a career in energy and renewables or gain a new disciplinary insight into sustainability management.

Current and aspiring business leaders who need new insights into the energy sector, energy compliance and corporate reporting.

Those wishing to find job opportunities in sustainability management.

Employees who need energy assessment and reporting skills to align with the needs of their employer.

Engineers and other professionals wishing to upgrade their skills in the energy industries and enhance their networks and career opportunities in the sector.

Register Your Interest

Register Your Interest

Please click here to register your interest for our MSc in Energy Management (Renewable Enterprise).