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FMS8359 - Professional Placement (Semester 2)

  • Offered for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Sarah Leahy
  • Owning School: School of Modern Languages
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
  • Capacity limit: 999 student places

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 2 Credit Value: 20.0 
ECTS: 10.0


The aims of this module are:

  • To familiarise students with a professional environment of film exhibition or production.
  • To understand the organisation’s role as a cultural business, including aspects such as audience development, relationships with funders, and regional/national/international position.
  • To develop an understanding of the opportunities and issues facing the sector in terms of policy and the market, and in relation to the wider context of cultural industries.
  • To encourage students to reflect upon and analyse the issues in relation to the specific case of the organisation in which the placement took place.

Outline Of Syllabus

The Professional Placement module is offered in semester 2.

The Professional Placement is a two-week (or equivalent) work placement undertaken within an approved organisation in either the film exhibition of film production sectors.

Students will benefit from an induction, and will be mentored throughout the duration of the placement.

Prior to the placement, an individual contract will be agreed between student and the mentor, in order to set out specific goals (learning objectives) for the time spent in the organisation and how these might be achieved, and to set up mentoring agreements. These goals should be agreed by the individual student in conjunction with their mentor, but students should note that they will be required to work on whatever tasks or projects are necessary at the time of their placement. Students will keep a diary where they will record the activities they undertake and evaluate their success in achieving their learning objectives.

Teaching Methods

Teaching Activities
CategoryActivityNumberLengthStudent HoursComment
Guided Independent Study Directed research and reading 18 1:00 18:00 Guided reading and online research.
Guided Independent Study Independent study 65 1:00 65:00 Reading related to placement organisation and the wider sector; research for essay.
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 30 1:00 30:00 Essay research, planning, drafting; learning diary.
Guided Independent Study Reflective learning activity 2 1:00 2:00 Preparation of learning diary.
Placement/Study Abroad Employer-based learning 80 1:00 80:00
Students will spend the equivalent of 2 weeks of full time working for approved cultural organisation.
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Module talk 1 0:30 0:30 Present-in-person. Introduction to the module. 
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 3 1:00 3:00 Present-in-person. Preparation for placement, sharing experiences, informal student presentations. 
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Dissertation/project related supervision 2 0:45 1:30 Individual tutorials - essay supervision. 
Total 200:00  
Teaching Rationale and Relationship

The majority of contact hours of this module will be devoted to working in an approved cultural organisation. During this time, students will be offered training as appropriate, and mentoring in order to ensure they are achieving their individual goals set out with their mentor and the module leader prior to the start of the placement. Students will also be supported by a series of group meetings and individual tutorials with the module leader. Group meetings will enable students to prepare for their placement and share their experiences, and to discuss ideas about their essays. Individual tutorials will provide further support in the development of essay topics and plans.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
DescriptionSemesterWhen SetPercentageComment
Essay 2 2 M 90 Essay (3000 words)
Reflective log 1 2 M 10 Learning Diary (approx. 750 words)
Assessment Rationale and Relationship

During the placement, students will complete a diary outlining tasks undertaken and new skills/knowledge acquired, which they will map against their intended learning outcomes as agreed with their mentor in the contract prior to the beginning of the work placement. The diary is to be handed in with the written assignment. The rest of the written assignment will take the form of a 3000 word essay which will allow students to demonstrate knowledge they have acquired regarding the film industry.

The essay should provide a critical discussion of a particular aspect of film exhibition or production, on a topic to be agreed with the module leader and the placement mentor if appropriate. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relevant factors governing cultural exhibition (and production), for example, the historical processes, economic or social factors that have shaped the development of the sector, and to engage appropriately academic literature in this area.
