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FMS8365 - The Power of Film Criticism

  • Offered for Year: 2025/26
  • Module Leader(s): Dr Philippa Page
  • Owning School: School of Modern Languages
  • Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
  • Capacity limit: 999 student places

Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.

Semester 2 Credit Value: 20.0 
ECTS: 10.0


This module considers the power of film criticism within the cultural and creative industries, both locally and globally. It explores film criticism’s relationship with different forms of power. It aims to introduce students to different modes of film criticism across global contexts and a range of media. Students will engage in the critical analysis of film criticism, as well as in the production of their own original film criticism in varying formats. The module will include exploration of the history and politics of film criticism through a global lens.

Outline Of Syllabus


The syllabus will reflect the expertise and current activity of contributors:

  • Why film criticism? Definitions: media; audiences; contexts.
  • A genealogy of film criticism.
  • Film criticism: the canon and power.
  • Radical film criticism: manifestos from around the world.
  • Producing original film criticism across a range of forms.
  • The role of film criticism in the cultural and creative industries.

In addition to the core topics above, the syllabus may include:

  • Decolonising film criticism/deconstructing the canon.
  • Videographic criticism: creative practice as critique.
  • From radio to podcasts.
  • Spotlight on key film criticism publications.
  • Digital film criticism and democratisation.


Teaching Activities
CategoryActivityNumberLengthStudent HoursComment
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Small group teaching 8 2:00 16:00  
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities Workshops 3 2:00 6:00  
Structured Guided Learning Lecture materials 11 0:20 3:40  
Guided Independent Study Assessment preparation and completion 1 0:50 50:00  

Guided Independent Study

Independent study 1 106:00 106:00  

Structured Guided Learning

Structured research and reading activities 11 1:40 18:20  
Total 200:00  
Teaching Rationale and Relationship

This module is delivered through a small-group working format to enable student-led critical discussion and creative engagement with the topic. This format will also best support the production of the portfolio of film criticism. Production of the multimodal portfolio will be supported through the three workshop sessions. This module will be delivered via a team teaching approach whereby each staff member not only delivers the part of the module that corresponds to them, but the module co-leaders will also work together to deliver key sessions in dialogue. Recorded lecture materials will be provided ahead of seminars to introduce students to the topics being covered each week.

Assessment Methods

The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners

Other Assessment
DescriptionSemesterWhen SetPercentageComment
Design/Creative proj 1 2 A 40 Assessing individual contributions to a multimedia, collaborative film criticism publication.
Portfolio 1 2 M 60 Selection of 3 best marks (20% each) from a series of assignments including, for example: written film criticism exercise; film journalism written exercise; podcast and/or videographic criticism exercise; critical analysis of selected film criticism.
Assessment Rationale and Relationship

The portfolio approach ensures that the continuous assessment is both formative and summative. It enables students to receive feedback on a wide range of forms of film criticism that will be used in the final assessment. It also allows them to reflect critically on the historical and political aspects of film criticism through a global lens. The assignments reflect the diversity of modes and media used in contemporary film criticism allowing students to tailor their work to different audiences and target publications.
