Staff Profile
Professor Sabrina Qiong Yu
Professor of Film and Chinese Studies
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 2087796
I joined the school in February 2008 before I obtained my PhD from Nottingham University in July 2008.
Roles and Responsibilities
Director of Research, School of Modern Languages, 2024-
Principal Investigator of AHRC-funded project on Independent Cinema in China (2019-2024)
Director of Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA), 2023 -
Founder and General Editor of Chinese Independent Cinema Observer, 2021-
Programme Director for MA Film: Theory and Practice (2011 -- 2020)
Steering group member for the Research Centre for Film (2011- 2019)
Head of East Asian Section (2012 - 2015)
Programme Director for Single Honours Chinese/Japanese Studies (2013-2015)
Year Abroad Officer (2008 - 2011)
PhD in Film Studies, Nottingham University, UK
MPhil in Cultural Studies, Birmingham University, UK
MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, Beijing Normal University, China
BA in Chinese Literature and Language, China
UG modules
SML2011 Cities in East Asian Cinema: Culture, History and Identity (module leader)
CHN4011 Documenting China: Studying Chinese Culture and Society through Independent Documentaries (module leader)
CHN4009 Gender and Media in Modern China (module leader)
SML8099 Dissertation
PG modules
FMS8355 Stars: Systems, Theories and Nations (module leader)
FMS8360 Researching Film: Skills and Methods (module leader)
FMS8055 Approaches to Film Theory and History
FMS8358 Exhibition Culture
FMS8099 Dissertation (module leader)
My research and publications focus on transnational Chinese cinema, Chinese independent film and film festivals, stardom and performance, gender and sexuality. I am the author of Jet Li: Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Film Stardom (2012, 2017), and the co-editor of Revisiting Star Studies: Cultures, Themes and Methods (2017).
I regularly curate film festivals/events in Newcastle in collaboration with indie film festivals or film companies in China (for example 'The Tenth Anniversary of the China Independent Film Festival UK Celebration'). I am committed to promoting the exhibition of and research into Chinese independent cinema in the UK.
I am the Principal Investigator of AHRC-funded project 'Independent Cinema in China, 1990-2017: State, Market and Film Culture'. This four-year international project aims to preserve indie films made in the PRC in the past three decades and to conduct comprehensive research into this unique but under-researched film culture. The project team, comprised of Co-Is Prof Chris Berry, King's Collage and Dr. Luke Robinson, Sussex University, Research Associate Dr. Lydia Dan Wu, Newcastle University), is working with a large number of Chinese indie filmmakers and curators as well as two industry partners. There will be a range of outcomes including academic publications, conferences, the archive, Youtube channel, the online database, film tours, exhibition, film festival panels, and documentary summit.
I am the founder of Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA), located in Newcastle University, and the founder and General Editor of Chinese Independent Cinema Observer.
I have supervised nine research students to completion.
Lydia Dan Wu, MLitt, 'Representations of Hong Kong Identity in Three Post-handover Nostalgia Films', 2011
James Cummings: MLitt, 'Homosexual Identity Consturction at the Intersection of Sexuality and Regionalism in China', 2013
Kelly Mc George, MLitt, 'Transforming "Ordinary" Experience of China's Post-Socialist Modernization into Public Consciousness through Magic(al) Realism and Ecology in the Independent Cinema of Jia Zhangke, 2015
Lydia Dan Wu, PhD, 'Minjian Film Exhibition in Post-Socialist China: Sustainability and Self-Legitimation', 2016
Yang Li, PhD, 'Screening Tibet: Approaching New Tibetan Cinema from a Postcolonial Perspective and the Field of Subaltern Studies', 2018
Lewis Pringle, MLitt, 'Unruly Women? A Comparative Study of Stardom, Gender and Performance in French and American Comedies of the 1930s', 2017- 2018
Frank Xue, MLitt, 'Shadows of the Metropolis: Urban Village Landscapes in Mainland Chinese Film Noir', 2023-4
Kelly McGeorge, PhD (AHRC studentship holder), 'Independent Chinese Eco-Documentary: Cinematic Encounters with Post-Socialist Development and the Anthropocene Crisis', 2018 -2023
Carrie Poon, PhD, The Representation of Masculinities in Edward Yang’s Films During Taiwan’s Rapid Transition into Modernity, 2018 -2024
I am currently supervising the following research students:
Xinyue Hu, PhD candidate, A Cross-cultural and Cognitive Narratological Reading of Multi-media Mulan Adaptations from 1998 to present, 2022-
Wu Yeuying, PhD candidate, Transnational Comparison of the Representation of the Female Body in Haruki Murakami, Gabriel García Márquez, and Mo Yan, 2023-
- Yu SQ. Forever Gor Gor, changing fans: Leslie Cheung posthumous fandom revisited. Celebrity Studies 2021, 12(2), 186-201.
- Yu SQ. Going Back to the Hometown: A New Root-searching Movement in Contemporary Chinese Independent Cinema. Media Criticism 媒介批评 2017, (7), 119-134.
- Yu SQ. Film acting as cultural practice and transnational vehicle: Tang Wei's minimalist performance in Late Autumn (2011). Transnational Cinemas 2014, 5(2), 141-155.
- Yu SQ. Can a Wuxia Star Act? Martial Arts, Acting and Critical Responses to Jet Li’s Once Upon a Time in China. EnterText: An interactive interdisciplinary e-journal for cultural and historical studies and creative work 2006, 6(1), -.
- Yu SQ. Book Review: Chinese National Cinema (Yingjin Zhang). Scope: an online journal of film studies 2006, (6), -.
Authored Books
- Yu SQ. Jet Li: Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Stardom. Edinburgh University Press, 2015.
- Yu SQ. Jet Li: Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Film Stardom. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012.
- Yu SQ (trans.). Kung Fu Cult Masters: from Bruce Lee to Crouching Tiger - by Leon Hunt (London: Wallflower Press, 2003.). Beijing: Peking University Press, 2010.
Book Chapters
- Yu SQ. Censorship, anti-censorship, and independent documentaries in China. In: Agnieszka Piotrowska, ed. The Ethics of Documentary Film. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2025. In Press.
- Yu SQ. Archiving Chinese Independent Cinema. In: Cao Kai; Wen Hai, ed. Reflections in the Post-Independent Cinema Era. Taiwan: Tangshan Press, 2024, pp.345-352.
- Yu SQ, Wu LD. The China Independent Film Festival and Chinese Independent Film festivals: Self-Legitimisation and Institutionalisation. In: Berry, C; Robinson, L, ed. Chinese Film Festivals: Sites of Translation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp.169-192.
- Yu SQ. Performing Stardom: Star Studies in Transformation and Expansion. In: Yu SQ; Austin G, ed. Revisiting Star Studies: Cultures, Themes and Methods. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp.1-22.
- Yu SQ. Dancing with Hollywood: Re-Defining Transnational Chinese Stardom. In: Banhauer, A; Royer, M, ed. Stars in World Cinema: Screen Icons and Star Systems Across Cultures. I.B.Tauris, 2015, pp.104-116.
- Yu SQ. Vulnerable Chinese Stars: From Xizi to Film Worker. In: Zhang, Y, ed. A Companion to Chinese Cinema. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp.218-238.
- Yu SQ. Jet Li: Star Construction and Fan Discourse on the Internet. In: Farquhar M; Zhang Y, ed. Chinese Film Stars. London: Routledge, 2010, pp.225-236.
- Yu SQ. Camp Pleasure in an Era of Chinese Blockbusters: Internet Reception of Hero in Mainland China. In: Rawnsley, G., Rawnsley, M.-Y, ed. Global Chinese Cinema: The Culture and Politics of 'Hero'. London and New York: Routledge, 2010, pp.135-151.
- Yu SQ, Stringer J. Hero: How Chinese Is It?. In: Cooke P, ed. World Cinema’s ‘Dialogues’ with Hollywood. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp.238-254.
- Yu SQ. West/East: Reception Study of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000). In: Lu L; Li Y-Z, ed. Looking Through the Ocean: Hollywood Images in Mirror. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004, pp.294-309.
Edited Books
- Berry C, Yu SQ, Robinson L, Wu L, ed. Chinese Independent Cinema: Past, Present and A Questionable Future. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2025. In Press.
- Yu SQ, Austin G, ed. Revisiting Star Studies: Cultures, Themes and Methods. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017.