Staff Profile
Dr Sarah Leahy
Reader in French and Film
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7441
- Address: Room 5.05
Old Library Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
After graduating from the University of Birmingham with a degree in French and Italian, I worked for two years as an EFL teacher in Poland and Portugal before returning to the UK to study for a PhD on French cinema at the University of Exeter, awarded in 2002. I worked as a Film Studies Lecturer at Northumbria University from 2001-5 before coming to the French section at Newcastle.
Roles and Responsibilities
Year Abroad coordinator for incoming Francophone students
Combined Honours Subject Advisor, Film Studies (Semester 1)
Acting Programme Director, Global Film MA (Semester 2)
SML Director, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (2017-2024);
Director of Postgraduate Studies, SML (2010-2015)
Co-director of the MA in International Film: History, Theory, Practice (2006-2010)
Co-ordinator, Film and Visual Arts field of study, SML (2006-2010)
PhD: 'Simone Signoret and Brigitte Bardot: Femininities in 1950s French Cinema', University of Exeter. Awarded 2002.
BA Combined Hons in French and Italian, University of Birmingham, 1994.
Previous Positions
2001-2005: Lecturer in Film Studies, Northumbria University
1999-2001: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Exeter.
1997-1999: Lectrice, Université de Versailles et Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
Society for Studies in French Cinema.
British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS)
Network for European Cinema Studies (NECS)
Screenwriting Research Network
French and Italian
Informal Interests
Going to the cinema.
Hill-walking, cycling and swimming.
Research Interests
French cinema from the 1930s to the present day; stars, stardom and questions of national identity; screenwriters, authorship and working practices; questions of representation and identity.
Current Work
My current research builds on previous work on screenwriters and stars and focuses on three main strands:
- Writers and authorship in the tradition of quality cinema.
- Stardom and voice.
- Working conditions for screenwriters in the contemporary French audiovisual industry.
Research Roles
Member of AHRC Peer Review College.
Postgraduate Supervision
I welcome applications for postgraduate research in the following areas:
French cinema from the 1930s to the present day, most particularly in the following areas:
stars and stardom; screenwriters; theories of gender and sexuality and film; film criticism and film history.
Esteem Indicators
Invited speaker at:
Journée d'études, 'Casque d'or: lectures croisées', organised for students preparing the agrégation in French by the University of Nanterre-Paris Ouest. 13 February 2010, Institut National pour l'histoire de l'art.
Screening event, Fait-divers (Claude Autant-Lara, 1923), BFI London. Part of the 4th Fashion in Film Festival, Marcel L'Herbier, Fabricating Dreams, 10-19 May 2013.
Colloque: 'Des livres aux scénarios. Approches interdisciplinaires des archives du cinéma français (1930-1960)', 10-11 October 2016, Université de Lausanne and Cinémathèque suisse
Colloque: 'Studies in French Cinema to French Screen Studies: Continuity, Change, Perspectives', Université Lumière Lyon 2, November 2020
2007-8 British Academy Small Research Grant
2005-6 AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award
2004-5 AHRC Research Leave
2003-4 University of Northumbria Small Research Grant
2002-3 University of Northumbria Small Research Grant
2000 AHRB Study Abroad Grant
Film Studies; French Cinema; Film History; Screenwriters
Undergraduate Teaching
Social Justice in French and Francophone Culture (Stage 4, co-taught with Guy Austin, Gillian Jein and Shirley Jordan)
Classic French Cinema (Stage 2)
Introduction to International Film (Stage 1)
- Leahy S. The construction of 'Jacques Becker': realism, popular film and the auteur in 1950s film criticism. French Screen Studies 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Leahy S. Putting the spotlight on screenwriters. French Screen Studies 2024, 24(4), 388-405.
- Vanderschelden I, Leahy S. Céline Sciamma's screenwriting: 'building an architecture of multiple desires'. French Screen Studies 2023, 23(2-3), 120-132.
- Leahy S. Screenwriters in post-war French Cinema: an overview. Studies in French Cinema 2015, 15(1), 11-36.
- Leahy S. 'A la place de l'autre …': Otherness, gender and nation in two films by Agnès Jaoui. Studies in French Cinema 2012, 12(3), 215-226.
- Leahy S. Hats, Hotels, Mayhem and Marx: Film, Theatre and the Cinematic Collaborations of the Groupe Octobre, 1932–1936. Modern & Contemporary France 2010, 18(3), 357-374.
- Leahy S. Simone Signoret: Aging and agency. Studies in the Literary Imagination 2006, 39(2), 21-42.
- Leahy S. 'Neither charm nor sex appeal...' Just what is the appeal of Simone Signoret?. Studies in French Cinema 2004, 4(1), 29-40.
- Leahy S. The Matter of Myth: Bardot, Stardom and Sex. Studies in French Cinema 2003, 3(2), 71-81.
- Leahy S. Bardot and Dance: Representing the Real?. French Cultural Studies 2002, 13(37), 49-64.
Authored Books
- Leahy S, Vanderschelden I. Screenwriters in French Cinema. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021.
- Leahy S. Casque d'Or (Jacques Becker, 1952). London: I.B. Tauris, 2007.
Book Chapters
- Leahy S. Le Rouge et le noir, ou la France et l’Italie: stars et co-productions. In: Gwénaëlle Le Gras and Geneviève Sellier, ed. Danielle Darrieux: La Traversée d'un siècle. Presses Universitaires Brodeaux, 2020.
- Leahy S. Star dialogue: Henri Jeanson, Louis Jouvet and the mise en scène and mise en corps of film dialogue. In: Abecassis M; Block M; Ledegen G; Peñalver Vicea M, ed. Le Grain de la voix dans le monde anglophone et francophone. Bern: Peter Lang, 2019, pp.73-111.
- Leahy S. La Genèse du Diable au corps (1947). Une recette pour un scénario de «qualité»?. In: Boillat A; Philippe G, ed. L'adaptation: des livres aux scénarios. Brussels: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2018, pp.135-163.
- Leahy S. Les Vacances de Mlle Huguette: Henri Jeanson, collaborateur de Cinémonde. In: Gwénaëlle Le Gras and Geneviève Sellier, ed. Cinémas et Cinéphilies populaires dans la France d'après-guerre, 1945-1958. Paris, France: Nouveau Monde, 2015, pp.53-65.
- Leahy S. Stars in the wilderness: La Mort en ce jardin. In: Stone R; Gutierrez-Albilla JD, ed. A Companion to Luis Buñuel. Rob Stone and Julian Daniel Gutierrez-Albilla. Malden MA and Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2013, pp.324-338.
- Leahy S. '"Une vraie famille Benetton": Maternal metaphors of nation in Il y a longtemps que je t'aime - a response to Susan Hayward'. In: Higbee, W. and Leahy, S, ed. Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives 1985-2010. Bristol: Intellect, 2010, pp.153-165.
- Leahy S. Visual and Embodied Pleasures: Cinema-going in Newcastle upon Tyne. In: Fawcett, H, ed. Made in Newcastle: Visual Culture. Newcastle upon Tyne: Northumbria University Press, 2007, pp.87-101.
- Leahy S. Gender Panic: The 'garce' and the 'Good Girl' in Postwar French Cinema. In: Hipkins, D; Plain, G, ed. War-Torn Tales: Literature, Film and Gender in the Aftermath of World War II. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007, pp.105-122.
- Leahy S. A (middle) class act? Taste and otherness in Le Goût des autres (Agnès Jaoui, 2000). In: Vanderschelden, I; Waldron, D, ed. France at the Flicks: Trends in Contemporary French Popular Cinema. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholarly Press, 2007, pp.116-129.
- Leahy S, Hayward S. The Tainted Woman: Simone Signoret, Site of Pathology or Agent of Retribution?. In: Sieglohr, U, ed. Heroines without Heroes: Reconstructing Female and National Identities in European Cinema, 1945-51. London and New York: Cassell, 2000, pp.77-88.
Edited Book
- Higbee W, Leahy S, ed. Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives, 1985-2010. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect, 2011.
- Leahy S. La Règle du jeu [The Rules of the game]. Modern and Contemporary France 2012, 20(4), 518-519.
- Leahy S. Jean Cocteau. Williams, JS. French Studies 2007, 61(3), 398-399.