Staff Profile
Dr Teresa Ludden
Senior Lecturer in German Studies
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5053
- Address: School of Modern Languages, Old Library Building (Room 6.5), Newcastle University, GB - NE1 7RU Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a philosopher of literature working at the intersection between continental philosophy and 20th and 21st century German-language poetry and fiction. I also work in film studies and visual culture. I teach the cultural content aspects of the curriculum for our degree programmes and have been teaching at Newcastle since 2004.
Roles and Responsibilities
Personal Tutor
Year Abroad Officer (Incoming)
MA German and Russian (Cambridge)
MA Modern German Literature and Theory(London)
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (Warwick)
PhD German Studies (Warwick)
Previous Positions
2003-2004: Senior Lecturer in German, Oxford Brookes University.
2001-2003: Temporary Lecturer in German, University of Warwick.
1997-2001: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Warwick.
Women in German Studies, AGS, IVG
I am currently working on racial capitalism which combines the critique of capitalism with critical analysis of (neo)colonialism to understand racial capitalist logics that structure contemporary global inequalities. My aim is to make the concepts and methodologies associated with racial capitalism more central within German Studies. I research literature and continental philosophy (phenomenology, ontology, feminist philosophy, deconstruction). I focus on experimental writing and poetry in German exploring the intersection of aesthetics, politics and ethics.
Other current projects include textuality, autofiction and temporality in the work of Friederike Mayröcker. I have published on a range of topics such as feminist materialisms, relational ontologies, alterity, Austrian poetry and literature, Michael Marder’s ‘vegetal philosophy’, Deleuze and Guattari’s minor literature, trauma, embodiment, pluralism, narrative and power, coloniality/decoloniality, the uncanny and the sublime.
Previously, I have worked extensively on the German writer, poet and essayist Anne Duden linking her work to philosophers such as Nietzsche, Adorno, Irigaray, Lacan, and Deleuze.
Postgraduate Supervision
Contemporary and Modern German-language literature and poetry, continental philosophy, critical theory and film.
Undergraduate Teaching (current)
GER2010 Berlin: culture, film and literature from the Weimar Republic to the present day
GER4017 Berlin (level D version)
GER2036 Writers, Media and Society in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (West Germany)
SML1021 Introduction to European and Latin American Cinema
SML1121 and SML1221 International Film
SML4099 Dissertation
SML4008 Storytelling and Memory Across Borders
Postgraduate Teaching
MA Global Cinema - Film and Social Justice
Recent teaching (not running 2026-27):
GER4011 German Film up to 1945
GER4007 Misfits and Miscreants in Contemporary German/Austrian Fiction.
GER3052 Advanced Translation: German-English; English-German
- Ludden TC. Scientific Coloniality, Nubia and the Dynamics of Dispossession in Ingeborg Bachmann's Das Buch Franza. Austrian Studies 2024, 32, 41-63.
- Ludden T. Embodied Relationality and Alterity in Verena Stefan's Fremdschlaefer. Oxford German Studies 2024, 53(3), 346-364.
- Ludden T. Ulrike Draesner: This Porous Fabric: Selected Poems, translated by Iain Galbraith. Translation and Literature 2024, 33(1), 130-136.
- Ludden TC. Plant Ontology, Non-Human Becoming and Acoustic Materiality in Oswald Egger's Herde der Rede. Austrian Studies 2022, 30, 113-131.
- Ludden TC. Towards a Decolonial Uncanny: Re-configuring the Ineffable in Anna Kim's 'Greenland' novel Anatomie einer Nacht (2012). Austrian Studies 2021, 29, 68-85.
- Ludden T. Mobilisations of Mediation and Aporias: Reading Trauma as Metaphor in Ulrike Draesner's Sieben Spruenge vom Rand der Welt with Caruth, Derrida and Agamben. German Life and Letters 2019, 72(4), 443-468.
- Ludden T. Introduction: On Creativity and Not-Knowing in Trauma Narratives and Theories. German Life and Letters 2019, 72(4), 399-426.
- Ludden TC. 'Even the word "und" has to be re-invented somehow': Quoting the language of the perpetrators in texts by Anne Duden. Edinburgh German Yearbook 2014, 8.
- Ludden T. Hearing the Silences in Thomas Bernhard's Ja: Difference, Narrative and Lyotard's Concept of the Differend. German Life and Letters 2010, 63(1), 6-19.
- Ludden T. History, memory and montage in Anne Duden's Das Judasschaf. German Life and Letters (special issue on Memory and Contemporary Germany, eds. Mary Cosgrove and Anne Fuchs) 2006, 59(2), 249-265.
- Ludden T. Birth and the Mother in Materialist Feminist Philosophy and Contemporary German Texts. Women: A Cultural Review 2006, 17(3), 341-354.
- Ludden T. Writing Differences: Bodies and Modes of Relationality in Works by Anne Duden. New Readings 2004, 7.
- Ludden T. Allegories of Cultural Relations: Anne Duden’s Reading of Representations of St. George and the Dragon in Der Wunde Punkt im Alphabet. German Life and Letters 2004, 57(1), 69-90.
Authored Book
- Ludden T. 'Das Undarstellbare darstellen' : Kulturkritik and the Representation of Difference in the works of Anne Duden. Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Ludden T. Translating the Dead Other? The Politics of Minority Writing, Non-Identity and the Inoperative in Terézia Mora's Das Ungeheuer. In: Kate Averis, Margaret Littler, Godela Weiss-Sussex, ed. Contested Communities. Small, Minority and Minor Literatures in Europe. Cambridge: Legenda, 2023, pp.139-157.
- Ludden TC. Pluralized Selves and the Postmigrant Sublime: Isolde Charim's Ich und die Anderen (2018) and Wolfgang Fischer's STYX (2018). In: Frauke Matthes, Dora Osborne, Katya Kryolva, Myrto Aspioti, ed. Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today. New York: Boydell & Brewer, 2021, pp.34-57.
- Ludden T. Distorted Antigones: Dialectics and Prostitution in Lola and Shirins Hochzeit. In: Hipkins D; Taylor-Jones K, ed. Prostitution and Sex Work in Global Cinema: New Takes on Fallen Women. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017, pp.147-171.
- Ludden T. Deviant Bodies and Eating Disorders in Ulrike Draesner’s Mitgift and Karen Duve’s Dies ist kein Liebeslied. In: Petra Bagley, Francesca Calamita and Kathryn Robson, ed. Starvation, Food Obsession and Identity. London, UK: Peter Lang, 2017, pp.91-120.
- Ludden T. "Getting back to the umbilical cord": Psychoanalysis, feminism and The Tin Drum. In: Shafi, M, ed. Approaches to Teaching Grass's The Tin Drum. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2008, pp.185-197.
- Ludden T. Female Allegory and the Critique of German History in Helma Sanders-Brahms's Deutschland Bleiche Mutter. In: Hipkins, D; Plain, G, ed. War-Torn Tales: Literature, Film and Gender in the Aftermath of World War II. Oxford, Berne etc: Peter Lang, 2007, pp.239-258.
- Ludden T. Nature, Bodies and Breakdown in Anne Duden's 'Das Landhaus' and Karen Duve's Regenroman. In: Bartel, H; Boa, E, ed. Pushing at Boundaries: Approaches to Contemporary German Women Writers from Karen Duve to Jenny Erpenbeck. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006, pp.41-55.
- Ludden T. Die Revolte der Schlange: Differenz/Differánce bei Anne Duden. In: Gruber, B; Preußer, H-P, ed. Weiblichkeit als politisches Programm? Sexualität, Macht und Mythos. Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen und Neumann, 2005, pp.153-166.
- Ludden T. Material Movements in texts by Anne Duden. In: Boa, E; Bartel, H, ed. Anne Duden: A Revolution of Words. Approaches to her Fiction, Poetry and Essays. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003, pp.72-87.
- Ludden T. Kisten, Krypten, Labyrinthe: Raumfigurationen in der Gegenwartsliteratur. W. G. Sebald, Anne Duden, Herta Müller. Modern Language Review 2010, 105(1), 289-290.