Staff Profile
Dr Valerie Pellatt
Retired Reader in Chinese Interpreting and Translating
- Email:
- Address: Old Library Building
School of Modern Languages
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Retired Reader, now teaching part-time
MA Modules in Interpreting and Translating: CHN8030 (Chinese to English Specialised Translation); CHN8034(Public Service Interpreting); CHN8033 (Drama Translation for Interpreters and Translators) MUS2055 Translation for singing.
PhD supervision: topics include gender roles in the development of kunqu opera; translation of international relations; translation of paratext of banned Chinese books; relationship between Simultaneous Interpreting and Sight Translation; translation of Taiwan regional literature; translation of Conan Doyle into Chinese; developing expertise in interpreting; hegemony and resistance in interpreting; translators' assumptions in subtitling.
Author of books on Chinese numbers and Chinese nursery rhymes and children's rhymes. Co-authored 'Thinking Chinese Translation' with Eric Liu and 'Translating Chinese Culture' with Eric Liu and Yalta Chen.
Personal research interest: translation of modern and contemporary Chinese drama, particularly stage directions; paratext in translation.
Freelance translator and interpreter, retired Reader in Chinese Interpreting and Translation.
PGCE (Oxford University)
MSc (Edinburgh University)
PhD (Edinburgh University)
British Sign Language
Informal Interests
Art and numbers
Research Interests
Translation of contemporary Chinese stage drama, focusing on stage directions, and value of drama as pedagogical tool.
The interpretation of numerical values.
Chinese numbers and numerology; numbers in Chinese culture, education and environment.
Translation and paratext.
Other Expertise
Language testing and testing of interpreting and translating
Current Work
A study of the use of drama translation and performance as a pedagogical tool in translator and interpreter education.
Previous Postgraduate Supervision
Chang Pin-Ling (discourse analysis of Chinese speeches)
Tsai, Yvonne (patent translation)
Liang Wen-Chun (translation of fantasy fiction)
Zhu Zhu (subtitling)
Fan Dinghong (teaching and learning interpreting)
Lo Cary (Taiwanese literature in translation)
Hsing, Arlene (translation of children's literature)
Lin, Yi-Hsin (translation of suspense in Conan Doyle's work
Wang Lu (modernism in 1930s Chinese magazines)
Shi Jie (modernism in 1930s Chinese magazines)
Lena Kraemer (paratext of banned Chinese books in translation)
Shan Yuming (Simultaneous Interpreting and Sight Translation)
He Zhengguo (fansubbing)
He Yuemin (Kunqu opera)
Lingbo Shanguan (translation of international relations)
Esteem Indicators
Awarded Taiwan Ministry of Education Taiwan Studies Fellowship 2008.
Chair of judges of British Council UK Schools Chinese speaking Competition since 2004
Outside expert on Committee for Languages Strategy at Nottingham University.
Outside expert on European Chinese Benchmarking Committee.
Taiwan Ministry of Education Taiwan Studies Fellowship 2008
NURFDM Funding for Chinese drama project 2011
Newcastle University Innovation Funding 2012
NICAP funding for Chinese drama project 2013
Newcastle University Confucius Institute funding for Chinese drama project 2014, 2015
Previous Postgraduate Teaching
MA in Interpreting and Translating:
CHN8030 Specialised Translation (Chinese-English) (module leader)
CHN8032 Public Service Interpreting (module leader)
CHN8033 Drama Translation for Interpreters and Translators (module leader)
CHN7003 Translation I (Chinese-English)
MUS2055 Translation for Singing
SML8023 Profession, Processes and Society in Translating and Interpreting
SML8018 Translating for the European Union's Institutions
SML8098 and SML8099 MA dissertations.
Current postgraduate teaching:
CHN7005 (Translation 1), CHN8039 Drama Translation for Interpreters and Translators
- Pellatt V. Stage directions as endotext: the psychological and socio-historical messages in the stage directions of Cao Yu and Lao She. Textual Practice 2023, Epub ahead of print.
- Pellatt V. Drama in China: the Famous, the Foreign and the Ancient. Sine, the Publication of the Scotland China Association 2022, (Spring).
- Pellatt V. A Dramatic Lesson. The Linguist 2017, 55(6), 16-17.
- Pellatt V. Desktop warfare. The Linguist 2016, 55(4), 22-23.
- Pellatt V. Packaging the product: a case study of verbal and non-verbal paratext in Chinese-English translation. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation 2012, 2012(20), 86-106.
- Pellatt V. Little boats, falling leaves and wild swans: women’s narratives of political uncertainty and oppression in 20th century China. Sine: Bulletin of the Scotland-China Association 2003, (Summer).
- Waggot, Valerie. Report from Beijing (about the ‘Criticise Confucius’ campaign). Sine: Bulletin of the Scotland-China Association 1995.
Authored Books
- Pellatt V. Sunflowers and Stars: the Ideological Role of Chinese Children's Rhymes and Poems in the Twentieth Century. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2015.
- Pellatt V, Liu E, Chen YY. Translating Chinese Culture: The process of Chinese-English translation. London, UK: Routledge, 2014.
- Pellatt V, Liu ET. Thinking Chinese translation: A Course in Translation Method: Chinese to English. London: Routledge, 2010.
- Pellatt V, Griffiths K, Wu S. Teaching and Testing Interpreting and Translating. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010.
- Pellatt V. Numbers and Numeracy in Chinese Culture, Language, and Education: the social substratum of the development of mathematical thinking. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008.
Book Chapters
- Pellatt V. Translation of Chinese paratext and paratext of Chinese translation. In: Chris Shei, Zhao-Ming Gao, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017, pp.164-186.
- Pellatt V. Translation of Chinese drama in the twenty-first century. In: Chris Shei, Zhao-Ming Gao, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017, pp.401-412.
- Pellatt V. Teaching and learning the importance of ideological awareness for Chinese-speaking trainee translators. In: Hubscher-Davidson, S., Borodo, M, ed. Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training: Mediation and Culture. London and New York: Continuum, 2012, pp.147-160.
- Pellatt V. Translation as a reading comprehension test: schemata and the role of the ‘write it down protocol’. In: Witte, A., Harden, T., de Oliveira Harden, A.R, ed. Translation in Second Language Learning and Teaching. Bern and Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009, pp.343-360.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Pellatt V. Drama Translation, Performance and Language Enhancement. In: Critical Reflections on Foreign Language Education: Globalization and Local Interventions. 2016, Taipei, Taiwan: Language Teaching and Testing Centre, National Taiwan University.
- Pellatt V, Minelli E. Proceedings of the Bath Symposium. In: Bath Big Forty Interpreting and Translating Symposium. 2006, Bath University: Cambridge Scholars Press.
- Pellatt V. The trouble with numbers: how linguistic, arithmetical and contextual complexity affect the interrpetation of numbers. In: Professionalisation in Interpreting: International experience and developments in China. 2005, SISU: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.
- Pellatt V. The ASPRO model of creativity: assessing the creative handling of 'fat ' and 'old'. In: Portsmouth University 5th Annual Translation Conference. 2005, Portsmouth University: School of Language and Area Studies, Portsmouth University.
- Pellatt V. Translators find their own norms. In: Translation Conference 'Translation norms: what is normal in the translation profession?. 2004, Portsmouth, UK: University of Portsmouth.
- Pellatt V. How the translation of ‘of ’illustrates emotional involvement of the reader/translator in an English to Chinese corpus study. In: University of Portsmouth Translation Conference ‘Using corpora or databases in translation’. 2003, Portsmouth, UK.