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Avoiding Fraud

Employment Fraud Scam

A recent student was looking for paid work and found a "work from home" job with a company called ‘Priceline’. Reviews of the company indicated that this was a genuine company. The student was advised that the job was commission-based but they would need to transfer some of their own money into a bank account first. They did this, but later realised they could not access or withdraw this money.

They later realised that the website was a cloned version of Priceline’s genuine website and therefore this was a scam. In total £13,000 was stolen. The company also gave the student a 'mentor' who put some of his own money into this account, he is now sending texts demanding repayment.

It's a good idea to be aware of employment scams and think SCAM if you're asked to transfer money:

Stop and think about it

Consult a friend or family member to chat it over

Assess the request - is it too good to be true? Are there any red flags?

Manage the scam by reporting it to the police at Action Fraud

Money mules

Organised Crime Groups use students to open bank accounts for money laundering purposes. These scams are often in the guise of a ‘betting syndicate’. You are offered a fee to carry out an activity on the criminals’ behalf and become a money mule.

Although victims may be unwittingly committing crime, there are consequences:

  • your bank account will be closed
  • you’ll find it hard to access further student loans
  • it’ll be difficult to get a phone contract
  • you’ll have problems applying for credit
  • you could go to prison for up to 14 years

For more information about money mules, please read about the Don’t Be Fooled campaign. If you think you are being targeted, please contact Action Fraud.

Phishing emails

Phishing emails are scam emails pretending to be from a legitimate organisation. They try to access your usernames and passwords, bank account or credit card details, answers to your security questions, or other important identity details such as your national insurance number.

Some common phishing emails pretend to be from:

  • Student Finance England
  • HMRC
  • Apple

The University's IT Service and the Government provide advice about phishing emails.

To make sure you’re not a victim of such emails, you should:

  • work out whether the sender’s email address seems genuine
  • check for spelling or grammar mistakes
  • check how they’ve addressed you; a genuine email wouldn’t use your email username in a greeting
  • decide whether the message is too good to be true; if you haven’t applied for a grant, would you automatically receive one?

If you’ve received such an email, please delete it and don’t click any links.

Find out more

The below organisations have more information: