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NHS and PGCE Funding

NHS Funding

Which courses are funded?

MB BS and Dental Surgery

You will be eligible to apply for funding from the NHS instead of the standard student finance package. The main NHS funding package usually consists of:

  • full fee payment by the NHS
  • an income assessed NHS bursary, which is non-repayable and helps you to cover your living costs
  • a non-income assessed £1,000 Living Costs Grant from the NHS
  • if you are eligible for NHS funding, you will only be able to apply for a reduced rate, non-income assessed student loan from the Student Loans Company.

The NHS Bursary Scheme only provide bursaries for students who are ordinarily resident in England on the first day of the course, and who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years prior to the start of the course.

If you are from Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, you should apply to your own assessment authority.

Speech and Language Sciences

You may be eligible for a £5,000 Training Grant on top of the funding you receive from Student Finance England (or equivalent funding body).

Medicine and Surgery MB BS (Hons)

If you are undertaking the five-year medicine course as a first degree, you may be eligible to apply for NHS funding from the fifth year of your course if you're from England or Wales. You'll receive funding from Student Finance England or Student Finance Wales in years 1-4.

Scottish students receive full funding from SAAS throughout their course with no changed in year 5. Students from Northern Ireland should apply to SFNI throughout their course. In final year Northern Irish students receive grants from the Department of Health.

If you are undertaking the accelerated four-year course, you may be eligible to apply for NHS funding in Years 2, 3 and 4 alongside funding from Student Finance England. Please contact us if you're from Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland.

Please contact us if you’re studying the 5 year MBBS as a 2nd degree.

How to apply

You can apply online for your NHS funding.

If you want to apply for a reduced rate non-income assessed loan from the Student Loans Company, you will need to make a separate application to your assessment authority.


As a student, you'll receive an NHS Bursary directly, on a monthly basis. The NHS pay tuition fees directly to the University.

Additional support

You may also be able to apply for additional allowances, such as:

  • help with childcare costs
  • disabled students allowances
  • practice placement expenses

Change of circumstance

If you experience a change in your circumstances, you must notify the NHS Student Grants Unit as soon as possible, as this may affect your eligibility for an NHS Bursary.

Dental Surgery BDS (Hons)

If you are undertaking the five-year dentistry course as a first degree, you may be eligible to apply for NHS funding from the fifth year of your course. You'll receive funding from Student Finance England (or equivalent body) in years 1-4.

How to apply

You can apply online for your NHS funding.

If you want to apply for a reduced rate non-income assessed loan from the Student Loans Company, you will need to make a separate application to your assessment authority.


As a student, you'll receive an NHS Bursary directly, on a monthly basis. The NHS pay tuition fees directly to the University.

Additional support

You may also be able to apply for additional allowances, such as:

  • help with childcare costs
  • disabled students allowances
  • practice placement expenses

Change of circumstance

If you experience a change in your circumstances, you must notify the NHS Student Grants Unit as soon as possible, as this may affect your eligibility for an NHS Bursary.

Speech and Language Sciences

You may be eligible for a Training Grant of up to £5,000 per academic year via the NHS Learning Support Fund if you are studying on our:

  • two undergraduate Speech courses (B62M and B621)
  • postgraduate MSc Language Pathology course (5104)

Extra financial support may be available from the NHS depending on your individual circumstances.

PGCE Funding

Training to be a teacher?

There are a number of funding sources available for students who register on one of our PGCE courses.

Training bursary

The Department for Education offer tax-free bursaries and scholarships to students undertaking a PGCE. You must be entitled to support under the Student Finance England (or equivalent assessment authority) criteria. The amount of bursary available will depend on teaching subject and UK degree (or equivalent) class. You'll receive your bursary payment on a monthly basis during the course.

If you're on the Employer Based PGCE or salaried version of the School Direct PGCE, you will not be eligible for any of the funding through the Department for Education or through Student Finance England (or equivalent).

Teaching bursary rates are on the Get into Teaching website.

For more information about becoming a teacher, call the Teaching Line on 0800 389 2500 or visit the Department for Education's Get into Teaching website.

Tuition fees and maintenance loans

Tuition Fee and Maintenance Loans

Find out more about tuition fees and maintenance loans on the Get into Teaching website.

Extra help for students with caring responsibilities or disabilities

Grants are available for students with childcare and caring responsibilities or if a student incurs extra costs as a direct result of a disability or specific learning difficulty.


If you're from England, you should apply for a tuition fee loan, maintenance loan and other help from Student Finance England.

If you're from Northern IrelandScotland or Wales and want to apply for a maintenance loan, tuition fee loan and grants, you should apply to your own assessment authority.