Students with Dependants
Caring for an adult or child can add extra costs to your budget. You can apply for grants to help.
SFE offer support to help with childcare costs and the additional costs that come with being a parent. You can also apply if you’re financially responsible for an adult, such as a partner or family member.
If you have caring responsibilites and want to find out more about benefit eligibility you can seek support externally from Information Now, Welfare Rights, Citizens Advice
Adult Dependants' Grant (ADG)
If you’re financially responsible for another adult, you can apply for the Adult Dependants’ Grant. Usually, the dependant needs to be your spouse, partner or civil partner. Other relationships can be considered but you need to provide more evidence to support your claim.
You can read about eligibility and how to apply on the Gov.UK website.
Parents' Learning Allowance (PLA)
Being a parent can be expensive, from additional food and clothes costs to school trips and toys. This can have an impact on the amount you can spend on study materials and books. You can apply to SFE to receive the Parents’ Learning Allowance to help with these costs.
You can read about the fund on the website.
Childcare Grant (CCG)
Help is available if you have childcare costs while studying. SFE assess you based on your household income. You’ll be given an allowance for the year.
You can read about the fund on the Gov.UK website.
UK Undergraduate Student Parent Bursary
If you’re a registered full-time UK undergraduate student you could be eligible to a Student Parent Bursary if you have dependent children under 18 and a household income of £35,000 of less.
Please read our detailed Student Parent Bursary Terms and Conditions to find out more about this funding.
Who can apply?
The scheme can support UK undergraduate students only.
Applications will be assessed on the basis of your household income. There is no appeals process.
You can apply for a UK Undergraduate Student Parent Bursary
- if you’re a registered UK Undergraduate student and;
- you have dependent children under 18 living with you on a full-time basis and;
- you have a household income of £35,000 or less.
What support is available through the Student Parent Bursary Scheme?
Eligible students (see detailed terms and conditions above) can apply for:
- £1,000 bursary if they have a household income of £25,000 or less
- £500 bursary if they have a household income between £25,001 and £35,000
- No bursary is payable if your household income is over £35,000
Grants are non-repayable.
How to apply
If you have commenced your 24/25 academic year you can apply here.
How are payments made?
Payments will be made by BACS credit transfer and will only be made to a bank account held by you. Before submitting your application form you must submit your bank details via the Student Portal:
If you don’t hold a UK bank account you’ll not be able to upload your international bank account details to the Student Portal. Please contact the team immediately to advise if this is the case so we can make other arrangements for you.
If you have any enquiries about this funding email us.
If you're experiencing financial difficulties and are struggling to cover your living costs you may be eligible to for financial support from the:
Free childcare and education for two to four year olds
If you have a three or four year old child, you may be entitled to free early education: some two-year-olds may also be eligible. A number of different types of early education providers offer the free entitlement such as:
- day nurseries
- private nursery schools
- preschools and playgroups
- accredited childminders
Although there's no guarantee of getting a place with a particular provider, your Local Authority should take your preference into account wherever possible. There’s no voucher or grant involved. You'll need to check with your local Family Information Service (FIS) that the provider is registered to offer the entitlement.
Childcare provision and advice
Newcastle City Council provides more information about registered and approved childcare in Newcastle.