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Advice for Students on Submitting a Supporting Statement

While we would always encourage you to provide independent documentary evidence of your difficult circumstances, we understand that sometimes this is difficult or not possible. In these instances, we would encourage you to provide a supporting statement alongside your completed PEC form.

Your statement should include:

  • Your name and student number;
  • Details of your personal extenuating circumstances (i.e. what has happened?);
  • The dates you have been affected (i.e. when did it happen? How long did it last?);
  • The specific impact on your studies (i.e. Were you unable to revise/complete your assessment/s? Do you feel you have not been able to concentrate fully on your studies?);
  • The timing of the difficult circumstances in relation to your assessment/s (for example, if you experienced a bereavement shortly before an examination or you lost study time because you were required to attend a funeral);
  • The specific assessment/s you feel may have been affected by your difficult circumstances;
  • A suggestion of what adjustment you feel may be appropriate for your circumstances (for example, an extension to a deadline, deferral of assessments to the next normal examination period – please note that although the PEC Committee will consider your suggestion, they may not necessarily grant you the adjustment you request).

Where possible, it is helpful if you can provide the above information in bullet-point form (this helps the decision-makers to see where the relevant information is located).

If available, it is helpful if you can also provide any additional evidence you may have, such as a supporting statement from your personal tutor or the Student Health and Wellbeing Service.