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Advice for Colleagues on Providing a Statement in Support of a PEC

Students are always encouraged to provide independent documentary evidence of their difficult circumstances alongside PEC applications. However, we understand that sometimes this is difficult or not possible. In these instances, students may approach their personal tutor, senior tutor, DPD or a colleague from the Student Health and Wellbeing Service to provide a supporting statement to submit alongside their PEC application.

If you are asked to provide a supporting statement for a student, this should ideally include:

  • The student’s name and student number;
  • Your relationship to the student;
  • Your knowledge of the personal extenuating circumstances, including:
    • What has happened?
    • When did the student inform you of this?
    • What are the dates the student may have been affected (i.e. when did the circumstances begin? How long did they/are they expected to last?)
    • How the student has been affected (i.e. unable to study/prepare for assessments, unable to submit assignments on time);
  • Any support already provided informally to the student in relation to the extenuating circumstances (i.e. SHWS wellbeing support, Support to Study meetings, previous adjustments requested/granted).

It is helpful if you can provide the above information in bullet-point form (this helps the decision-makers to see where the relevant information is located).