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Guidelines for the Submission and Format of Theses


Length of Thesis

The normal length of a thesis, inclusive of notes, but excluding references and appendices, has been determined as follows:


Doctoral Programmes

Integrated PhD Programmes

MPhil Programmes

Humanities & Social Sciences




Medical Sciences




Science, Agriculture & Engineering




There are different word limits for the following Practice-Based research degrees in Arts and Humanities and these are detailed in the Handbook for Examiners of Research Degrees:

  • Fine Art and Digital Cultures PhD
  • Music PhD
  • Film Practice PhD
  • Theatre/Performance PhD
  • Creative Writing PhD
  • Architecture, Planning and Landscape MPhil and PhD
  • Creative Practice PhD in Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies

If your thesis exceeds the maximum limit detailed in the handbook you will need to apply for approval from the Dean of Postgraduate Studies beforesubmission, via your Graduate School.


English must be used unless special permission for an alternative language has been granted by the Dean of Postgraduate Studies. Approval for submission in a language other than English must have been sought at the time of application to study for thedegree.


  • All text should be in a clear font such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri or Trebuchet MS.
  • All text should be 12-point except for headings (see below).


  • Margins should be set to mirrored, the inside margin (Binding edge should be 3cm) all other margins should be 2cm.
  • Text should be in a single column and may beeither left-aligned or justified.
  • One and a half spacing between lines, including appendices and references, but excluding Updated May 2023 quotations, footnotes or captions, which may be single-spaced


  • Number pages consecutively throughout the thesis from the Introduction, including all pages whether textual or otherwise.
  • Page numbers should be Arabic numerals, i.e. 1, 2, 3.
  • Numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page.
  • Preliminary pages(e.g. Contents)should be numbered using lower case Roman numerals, i.e. i, ii, iii.

Chapter headings and sub headings

  • Begin new chapters on a freshpage.
  • Chapter headings should be in Title case, centre of the page, bold 14-point font, preceded by “Chapter” and the appropriate number. For example: 

Chapter 1.Title of chapter

  • Section headings should be in Title case, bold 12-point font, left-aligned. For example:

1.1 Title of section

  • Sub-section headings should be italicised, bold 12-point font, left-aligned:

1.1.1 Title of sub-section

  • All headings should be consistent, providing a clear indication of changes in content and emphasis. No further section subdivisions other than those described above should be used.

Photographs, photocopies, maps etc.

  • Material should be scanned or provided in copyright-cleared, high quality digital format of at least 300dpi.

Figures and tables

  • Number consecutively either throughout the thesis (Table 1, Figure 2) or within individual chapters (Table 1.2 , Figure 2.3), but not within sections or sub sections.
  • Refer to figures/tables within the text as table 1, figure 2, etc.
  • Numbers and captions should appear at the bottom of the table/figure.
  • The top of tables/figures printed sideways should align to the left of the page.

Footnotes and/or endnotes

  • Notes can be placed at the bottom of each page (Footnotes) or at the end of the main thesis (Endnotes).
  • Wherever you refer to another source of information, you need to reference it.
  • This makesit clear if there is any work that is not your own and indicates where the information Updated May 2023 comes from.
  • You should insert a citation and expand on this in your footnote or endnote.


The order of the thesis should be as follows:

Preliminary Pages (not included in the word count):

Title page – please state the following:

  • The full title of the thesis and any subtitle as approved by the Dean of Postgraduate Studies.
  • The total number of volumes(if there ismore than one), and the number ofthe particular volume.
  • Your full name.
  • The qualification for which the thesis is submitted, e.g. Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated), Doctorate in EducationalPsychology.
  • The name of the School or Institute in which the research was conducted.
  • The month and year ofsubmission.

Thesis Restriction (optional)

here the thesis requires an Extended Restriction, a page can be added into your thesis indicating that it is subject to an Extended Restriction and the Graduate School will review for such a page on submission.


  • The abstract should be no longer than 300words.

Dedication (if any) Acknowledgements

  • Use this page to acknowledge those who have assisted you with yourwork.
  • In the case of any work done jointly, or in wider collaborations, or under direction, it is important that the extent of your own contribution, and that made by others, is made clear both under Acknowledgements and at relevant points within the thesis. Where you have worked as part of a team, please state the name of individual team members and specify their contributions and yours.

Table of Contents

  • The Table of Contents must list in sequence all relevant chapters, sections and subsections; appendices, references and bibliography, and any other supporting material, with the relevant page numbers.
  • If a thesis comprises more than one volume, the Title page, Abstract and Table of Contents of the whole thesis must appear in eachvolume.

Lists of tables, figures, etc.

  • Items should be in the order in which they appear in thetext.

Main Thesis Chapters (included in the word count)

Additional Reference Information (not included in the word count)


  • The following styles of referencing are acceptable: Harvard and alternative styles asdirected by your School or Institute. Updated May 2023
  • Users of EndNote will find the Newcastle Harvard Style included on all University networked PCs. Further information about EndNote and Harvard at Newcastle can be found here.
  • Students are encouraged to visit ASK Academic Skills Kit webpages for further resources.


  • Supporting material of considerable length, lists, commentaries, questionnaires etc., which would interrupt the main text, should be included asappendices.
  • Label appendices as A,B, etc and treat as additional chapters after the main text.
  • Style must be consistent with the text of the mainthesis.

Index (if any)

  • There is no requirement to provide an index.

Thesis Submission for Examination

One electronic copy of your thesis is required for the first examination and for any subsequent resubmission. This electronic copy should preferably be a PDF file normally via one of the following methods:

Final Submission and Deposit in the University Library

On recommendation of the award, and only when instructed by your Graduate School, the following will be required:

*Where your thesis requires an Extended Restriction beyond the standard 6-months, please contact the Graduate School for an Extended Restriction Licence. If your thesis is subject to an Extended Restriction, your thesis will be retained within the Graduate School until this restriction is removed.