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Programme Transfer Procedure

Student progress service procedure for internal degree programme transfers

Note: This procedure is only to be used for current students transferring to alternative degree programmes within the University.

SPS (Student Data) process these for some courses but not all:

  • Yes - All courses in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS)
  • Yes - All courses in Faculty of Science Agriculture and Engineering (SAgE) 
  • Yes - All courses in Faculty of Medical Sciences
  • No - PGR courses 

1. Approval to transfer to another degree programme can only be given by the Degree Programme Director (DPD) of the programme the student wishes to transfer to (UG Progress Regulations F.18-21, and Masters Progress Regulations E.9). Confirmation in writing is needed by Student Data by completing the ‘DPD Request Form’. Change of Circumstance’ forms and procedures can be found on the internal Student Progress Service webpage.

2. Schools should ensure that where a student is international, that the student/School has sought advice regarding visa implications relating to the transfer and had confirmation from the Visa Team that this transfer can go ahead (the Visa team can issue an ATAS Clearing Letter where the student is transferring from BEng to MEng). 

3. Schools should direct the student to seek advice from the Student Financial Advisers in our Wellbeing Team about financial implications when considering a change in circumstances

4. Schools to confirm when the student is transferring and forward ‘DPD Transfer Request Form’ to Student Data using the following email address:

5. Student Data to process the transfer on SLM.

If the student wishes to suspend studies in January and transfer degree programme the following September, Student Data to follow the procedure for ‘Suspension of Studies/Leave of Absence’ once transfer noted.

N.B. Schools are unable to amend the part-time tick in SLM once a registration is live, therefore Student Data will complete SLM in instances where this is required.

6. Student Data to note conditions of transfer, depending when the transfer should take place. If an unconditional transfer, action SLC/ HEI portal update immediately. If the transfer is conditional upon completing the stage of the current degree programme the transfer should be logged on the ‘CoC Pending’ spreadsheet until such time that the condition is met – normally after May/June and August resit period.

Read the HEI Service guides and accessibility information

7. School accepting student transfer to them should contact student’s current school for details of ‘Student Support Plan (SSP)’ if indicated on DPD form.