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Quick Guide: Complaints

How your complaint will be handled by Newcastle University

This is a quick guide to the complaints process which may help with your submission. It should be read in conjunction with the full Student Complaints and Resolution Procedure.

Level 1: concern

Informal concern submitted to School/Service for investigation

Level 1: outcome

  • Student receives written outcome of Level 1 investigation
  • If the student is satisfied with the resolution provided, the complaints procedure ends
  • If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the process moves to Level 2

Level 2: complaint

  • Formal complaint submitted to Student Progress Service within 60 days of issue arising/30 days of Level 1 outcome
  • Responding School/service informed of complaint and asked to provide a written response to the issues
  • Service/School response sent to student complainant and student comments on this response are invited
  • In more complex/serious cases, the case will be referred to the Level 3 Complaints Committee to consider the case - they may convene a hearing, which you will be invited to attend

Level 2: outcome

  • Complaint case officer considers all evidence and submissions and provides an outcome and, where appropriate, suggested resolutions
  • If the student is satisfied then the complaints procedure ends
  • If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the process moves to Level 3

Level 3: case review

  • In more complex/serious cases, a Complaints Committee will consider the case - they may convene a hearing, which you will be invited to attend
  • If the student is satisfied with the resolution provided, the complaints procedure ends
  • If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, they can submit a complaint to the Independent Adjudicator


External ombudsman

If you remain dissatisfied with a Level 3 complaint outcome, you can submit a complaint to the Office for the Independent Adjudicator via the OIA website.