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Annual Progression Review

The Code of Practice requires all postgraduate research (PGR) students to undergo a formal review of their progress on an annual basis, known as an Annual Progress Review (APR).

The APR assesses your progress against the research proposal and plan that was submitted as part of the Project Approval process.


The first APR should take place approximately 9 months after your initial registration.  Thereafter the APRs should take place every 12 months.  The School/Institute is responsible for determining the date of the APR Panel and communicating it to you and the Panel members.

APR Process

The Annual Progress Review involves the following stages:

Notification of outcome

If your progress is confirmed as being satisfactory (recommendations 1 & 2) then you will receive an automated email advising you of this from the PGR Code of Practice System once the Panel’s recommendation has been signed off by the Dean. In the case of all other recommendations, you will be notified via an email sent by your Graduate School.  In all cases your supervisors will be notified and you will be able to login to view the full comments in the PGR Code of Practice system.

Reassessment arrangements

In the case of a recommendation of unsatisfactory performance (recommendation 3) then a date will be set by your School/Institute for a further panel to take place.  You should work with your supervisors to address the requirements set out in the Panel’s report and, at the appropriate time, complete a new APR submission in the PGR CoP system. The APR Panel may request to meet with you again to consider whether progress has been such that the research project will now meet the standards for the award. Where the evidence demonstrates this, the Panel will recommend that you continue your studies or, alternatively:

  • If the Panel is not satisfied that supervisory arrangements are adequate and appropriate, but considers that you would otherwise be able to achieve the standards of the award, it may recommend that all or part of your supervisory team should be replaced;
  • If the Panel is satisfied that supervisory arrangements are adequate and appropriate but that you are unlikely to be able to achieve the standards for the award, it may recommend that you are registered for a lower degree where you are likely to be able to achieve the standards or, if you cannot meet the standards for those awards, that your registration is terminated.

On-going monitoring of progression

Throughout your degree your supervisors will monitor your progress to ensure you remain on course to achieve your project plan. If, however, your supervisors identify any concerns, they will inform you in writing and invite you to a meeting to discuss this. At this meeting your supervisors may request that you complete some additional work by an agreed date.  If your progress is still considered to be unsatisfactory, then you will be informed in writing that a referral will be made to the APR Panel.