Student Procedures
The Student Progress Service is responsible for procedures covering circumstances you may face during your studies. This includes changing your degree programme, suspending studies, submitting a complaint, or appealing against an assessment outcome.
General guidance
Support during formal casework proceedings
If you submit an appeal or complaint, or are subject to formal disciplinary procedures, you can be accompanied to meetings by a friend or supporter. Consult the guidance note on the Guidance on the role of your friend/supporter for further information.
All information provided to, shall be treated as confidential, subject to the need to divulge information to investigate a case and any requirements of the Data Protection legislation. It is equally important that the Subject of the Investigation, also respects the need for confidentiality throughout the investigation process. Where confidentiality is breached this may be deemed an act of misconduct under the University’s Disciplinary procedures.
Relevant members of staff will be informed of the outcome in confidence. Senior members of staff may also receive a copy of the outcome in confidence, in order for the University to learn/act on issues identified from an investigation.
Office of the Independent Adjudicator
Independent external review of disciplinary outcomes is provided by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.
Academic Queries and Appeals Procedure
The University has a Student Academic Queries and Appeals Policy 2024-25 and a Student Academic Queries and Appeals Procedure 2024-25 for students who would like to query:
- Board of Examiners' decisions (other than those which relate to academic misconduct)
- Personal Extenuating Circumstance (PEC) Committee decisions
- sanctions imposed under Review of Academic Progress procedure
- DPD/Dean of Postgraduate Study Request outcomes.
An appeal relates to formal academic decisions made regarding your programme of study and should not be used to raise general complaints about issues such as tuition or supervision. If you wish to raise these issues you should submit a complaint.
You are asked to make every effort to raise your assessment/progress query, in writing, with the School/Faculty directly concerned under Level 1 of the Procedure in the first instance. There is usually a specific email address for you to submit academic queries to directly; please check your Degree Programme Handbook or ask your School Office.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your Level 1 query, then you can proceed to appeal under Level 2 by submitting an Academic Appeals Form. You should include full details of the appeal and any supporting evidence and submit this to
If you remain unhappy with the Level 2 determination, you are able to request the outcome is reviewed under Level 3 of the Procedure by submitting your request to the Academic Registrar via
Here is a Quick Guide to Academic Queries and Appeals, which should help explain the process.
Academic Misconduct Procedure
The University is committed to ensuring fairness in assessment and promoting good academic conduct across the institution. The Student Academic Misconduct Procedure 2024-25 is part of the Student Disciplinary Policy and deals specifically with reports of academic misconduc.
The University takes all allegations of academic misconduct seriously. If you are accused of academic misconduct (other than in an Examination Room) you will normally be asked to make a written statement and be interviewed by staff within your School before any conclusion is reached.
If you are unsure of referencing and/or academic writing styles relevant to your specific subject area, you should speak to a member of staff within your School such as your Personal Tutor or Module Leader. They will be able to offer you advice and guidance on how best to approach your written work.
You can also find advice on referencing and good academic writing practice on the Library's Academic Skills Kit (ASK) webpages.
Complaints and Resolution Procedure
If you would like to make a complaint about another student, please use the process set out in the Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.
The University has a Student Complaints and Resolution Procedure 2024-25 and Student Complaints and Resolution Policy 2024-25 to resolve complaints quickly and effectively.
The Procedure is split into three levels:
- Level 1: You are first asked to raise your initial complaint directly with the school, service or area concerned. This is the informal level and seeks to provide you with an early resolution to your complaint.
- Level 2: If you are unhappy with the outcome of your Level 1 complaint, or you are unable to raise the issue locally, you can submit a Level 2 Complaints Form with any supporting evidence to
- Level 3: If you are unhappy with the Level 2 outcome you are able to request that the decision is reviewed under Level 3 of the Procedure, by submitting your request to the Academic Registrar.
There is a Quick Guide to the Student Complaints and Resolution Procedure that may help with you submission.
This procedure does not deal with complaints made against other students. If you want to complain about the behaviour of another student at the University you should email with a full explanation of the concern, and if possible, supply supporting evidence. The complaint will normally be investigated under the University's Student Disciplinary Procedures and you may be invited to attend a meeting as part of the investigation.
Information on Student Complaint Remedies & Redress
Student Disciplinary Policy
Dangerous Behaviours at Organised Student Socials (including Initiations)
Initiations are banned by the University and any student found to have organised or participated in an initiation ritual will be subject to disciplinary action.
Initiation ceremonies encourage the following negative behaviours:
- forcing participants to behave in a way that might reasonably be perceived as humiliating, demeaning or degrading
- forcing participants to drink excessive amounts of alcohol or to take other substances (illegal or otherwise)
- inciting participants to behave in a way that would bring the University into disrepute
If you are asked to participate in an initiation by a Society or Club that you have joined, to gain status or entry to the group, you can report this to the Students' Union Activities Officer or the University at
When we receive a report that a student, or a group of students, have participated in an initiation ceremony, the University will take appropriate action in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Procedure and the Investigation Protocol for Dangerous Behaviours at Organised Student Socials
Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
When you have experienced or witnessed any kind of violence, discrimination or harassment, we understand that it can be difficult to know what to do. It can also be difficult to take in enough information to make an informed decision about the next steps you may wish to take.
Unless we believe that there is a real danger to you or someone else, we will always be led by you and your choices.
Support Services
The University’s Student Health and Wellbeing Service can provide you with support to work out what, if anything, you want to do next. Any student who has experienced sexual violence, harassment, discrimination or hate-related behaviours can access this service, whether or not you choose to make a formal report of your experiences.
The University also has a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers who can help you to understand your options for making a formal report to the University or Police, and can signpost you to other support services. You can access this support via the Student Health and Wellbeing Service.
University investigations
The University has a code of conduct called the Student Charter, which includes behaviour expectations. When you register as a student each year, you agree to the terms of the Student Charter. When a registered student does something that breaches the Student Charter (for example, if they do something that is disrespectful or offensive, if they break the law, or if they behave violently or in a way that might harm others), it is likely that they have not followed the code of conduct, so we call this ‘misconduct’.
If you have experienced misconduct from another Newcastle University Student – for example, sexual violence, discrimination, harassment or hate-related behaviours - and you choose to make a formal report of your experiences, it will be investigated in line with the Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedures.
The University has specific Investigation Protocols, which set out how reports of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and hate-related misconduct against registered students will be investigated:
- Investigation Protocol for sexual misconduct
- Investigation Protocol for Discrimination and Hate-Related MiscoInvestigation Protocol for Discrimination and Hate-Related Misconductnduct
You may also find it helpful to consult the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about how a report of sexual misconduct will be investigated.
Reports of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination or hate-related behaviours from Newcastle University employees will be investigated by People Services, in line with the following policies and procedures:
- Guidance on Standards of Behaviour;
- Disciplinary Policy;
- Sexual Misconduct Procedure;
- Hate-Relate Misconduct Procedure;
- Student Complaints and Resolution Procedure.
The University also has a Personal Relationships at Work Policy, which sets out the University’s expectations of its employees with regards to personal relationships with students and other colleagues.
Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU)
If you have experienced any instance of sexual violence, spiking, dangerous behaviours at organised student socials (initiations) or hate-related incidents at a Students’ Union club, society, or by an elected Union member or society president, you can report this using the NUSU online reporting tool.
Any reports made to NUSU, will be investigated in line with NUSU’s policies and procedures. These can be found here: Newcastle University Students' Union (
Discrimination and Hate-Related Misconduct
If you experience any kind of discrimination during your studies, you can contact the Student Progress Casework team to make a formal report, We will be able to meet with you and discuss the options available to you.
Reports of discrimination will be treated seriously; anyone found to have behaved unacceptably may be subject to investigation in line with the Student Disciplinary Procedure and Investigation Protocol for Discrimination and Hate-Related Misconduct.
Anti-Social Behaviour and Noise Nuisance
The University expects its students to be considerate and respectful at all times while living in the community.
View our online Sway document for advice and guidance on the University's expectations and how we respond to reports of antisocial behaviour.
When we receive a report from a local authority, we will take appropriate action in line with the Student Disciplinary Procedure and Investigation Protocol for Antisocial Behaviour and Noise Nuisance. They may also choose to impose their own sanctions.
These Exemplar Fines and Charges apply to any disciplinary cases, where fines are levied, from September 2023, including University Residence.
Safeguarding Issues involving Drugs
The University recognises that the most effective response to drug use is through education and support; as such its primary aim is to reduce harm and do all we can to safeguard you from the detrimental impact of drug use.
The University therefore needs to ensure that any safeguarding concerns for you or others are dealt with using effective procedures, which include the Student Disciplinary Procedure - Responder 2024-25.
For information relating to the support available to you, how the University investigates safeguarding concerns involving drugs, and indicative sanctions, please see the Investigation Protocol for Safeguarding Issues involving Drugs
Reporting Misconduct
If you believe a student has breached University rules and want to report their actions to the University for investigation, you should email with a full explanation of the nature of your concern and if possible supply supporting evidence. As a witness, you may be invited to attend a meeting as part of the investigation.
Police Reports
The University receives reports from the Police, especially where there maybe be safeguarding issues for students or staff. When we receive a police report, an investigation will take place and appropriate action taken in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Procedure - Responder 2024-25
Whether you report misconduct (reporter), or are the subject of a report of misconduct (responder), you are able to get support, advice and guidance from the Student Advice Centre and the Student Health and Wellbeing Service, as well as your Personal Tutor.
Fitness to Practise Procedure
The University has a Fitness to Practise Procedure in place to consider any conduct or circumstances which indicate that a student, on a specific professional programme, may potentially be unfit to practise professionally or be a danger to actual, or potential patients.
The Fitness to Practise Procedure 2024-25 is used by the University to consider whether a student should be permitted to continue on a course of study which leads to an entitlement to practise as on a range of professional qualifications at Newcastle University.
It also applies to graduates with a Newcastle University MBBS degree who are Foundation Year 1 trainees or Year 1 House Officers in Malaysia.Any reports received indicating the possibility of a student being unfit to practise professionally are referred to the Provost of the relevant Faculty, who will designate a panel and lead investigator to look into the report further. A hearing may be convened to which the responding student will be invited to attend.
Support to Study
The University supports all students throughout their studies.
If you have a temporary or long-term health condition, mental health difficulty or disability, which is impacting adversely on your ability to study, your School or the Student Health & Wellbeing Service may choose to support you under the Support to Study Policy 2024-25 and the Support to Study Procedure 2024-25. This is usually separate and distinct from any support offered to you directly by the Student Health and Wellbeing Service.
There are different levels of support:
- Level 1: Initial informal support, usually provided by your Personal Tutor (for example, through extra tutorial meetings).
- Level 2: More formal support may be put in place if the measures under Level 1 are not sufficient. A meeting will usually be held to discuss your circumstances and agree an Action Plan with you.
- Level 3: When earlier support actions have not been successful in enabling you to continue with your studies, or it is believed your health may be at risk, formal intervention by an impartial Support to Study Panel may be organised.
If your case is forwarded for further consideration by a Level 3 Support to Study panel, you may find it helpful to consult the Operational Guidance for Student Committee Hearings.
A Quick guide to the Support to Study Procedure is available which you may find useful.
Academic Progress Review Procedure
The University Regulations require you to make satisfactory academic progress in your programme of study. If your School believe that you are not making satisfactory progress for any of the reasons set out below, you may be invited to a meeting to discuss your engagement. This will also give you the opportunity to raise any problems that you may be experiencing so that your School are able to help you find the appropriate support to help you successfully continue with your studies.
You should be asked to bring any medical or personal circumstances to the attention of the School and you should be kept fully informed at each stage of the process so that you are aware of their intentions with regard to your studies.
It is important that you do engage with these communications as your School are able to request that your studies are either suspended or terminated, dependant on the circumstances of the case.
Reasons a School may raise Academic Progress Review Procedure with you are:
- Failure to attend for interview with academic staff as required in connection with failure to attend your programme of study or failure to make satisfactory progress;
- Failure to attend regularly your programme of study without good cause; distance learning or online programmes engagement will be measured by alternative means as determined by your school; Failure to perform adequately in work prescribed for your programme;
- Failure to submit written work required under your programme regulations (whether or not such work counts for assessment purposes) at the required time;
- Failure to attend examinations or pass the prescribed examinations for your programme; provisional examination results may be used as evidence;
- Failure to attend English language assessment and attend in-sessional English language classes as directed by your Degree Programme Director;
- Failure to attend briefings relating to health and safety, especially where they apply to laboratory work, and to pass any assessments in relation to these briefings that are designed to ensure that you are safe to operate in that environment;
- Failure to attend or complete satisfactorily an INTO pre-sessional programme;
- Breach of your visa conditions, as set out in the University General Regulations.
Student Sickness and Absence Procedure
Where illness or other reason prevents you from studying for more than three working days, you should complete an Absence Request Form via your Student Portal. The Absence request form should be used to report sickness or absence to your school for any periods of absence. Although it is not compulsory to complete the form, if a teaching event is monitored and there is no authorised absence request, your absence will be recorded on your record as unauthorised.
The Student Engagement Monitoring Policy refers. If illness prevents you from studying for more than seven calendar days, you should obtain a medical certificate from your doctor and forward it to your academic school or tutor/supervisor as soon as possible. In addition, an application for an adjustment to an assessment as a result of personal extenuating circumstances (PEC) can be made, if appropriate.The Absence Request Form is also used for absences other than for sickness, e.g. time away from the University for personal reasons or masters student summer vacation. You should note that these absence reasons will also require evidence.
Completing the form
The form is available on the Student Portal and should be used by all students except Medical and Dental students. See absence request for advice on completing the form via the Student Portal. Medical and Dental students should use the Student Absence Request (PDF) form and send it to their academic units. If you’re using a MAC please complete the PDF form using Acrobat Reader for Mac which is a free download. If you use a different PDF reader you may experience some problems completing or submitting the form.
Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC)
The Personal Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure explains how to seek a reasonable adjustment to assessment, such as, extension, deferral etc. You may submit a self-certification PEC on up to two occasions per academic year to request a short extension (up to 7 days) to an assessment deadline submission for minor illnesses or distress, without needing to provide medical evidence. Please note, a self-certification PEC cannot be used for examinations, repeat attempts, deferrals or extraordinary assessments.
Confidential Circumstances
If you are reluctant for details of your illness to be made known, even to your tutor, you can provide your tutor a confidential letter in a sealed envelope for the Chair of the PEC Committee or Board of Examiners. This can be addressed as appropriate for the Chair’s eyes only.
Absence Request Process
To submit an absence request, please follow the steps below:
login to the Student Portal and select 'Absence Request'
to add a new request click '+Add new request'
select the reason for your absence from the 'absence reason' drop down
enter the details of your absence
attach documents or select ‘I will submit evidence later’
tick the declaration and submit
Your new request will appear in the Absence Request Overview in the Student Portal. You can change or cancel your request from this screen. Any comments from your school will appear in the absence request.