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Student Portal

Find out how to register and use our Student Portal.

Getting started

You will use the Student Portal throughout your studies to register on your programme, pay fees, choose your modules, print documents and submit absence requests or Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) requests. You should access it regularly to check your details are correct, for example, it is extremely important that we have your up to date address and contact details.

The following information describes how to register for your studies using the Student Portal; it's a good idea to do this as soon as you can.

Register for your studies:

1.  Open the Student Portal and click on ‘Proceed to login’ link.

If you are asked to enter login details please use the same User Name and password as your University IT account and e-mail in the format  or

Step by step video

Registration status

All students need to register each year with the University. Every year, when you first login, you will be asked to agree to the University’s Registration Terms and Conditions

You’re advised to spend some time looking through the terms and conditions. You won’t be able to register unless you accept these terms and conditions. 

Registration status

This is an important screen, it tells you if you have: 

  • confirmed your data
  • registered
  • paid your fees
  • an outstanding query on your record

Click on the different links on the Student Portal to confirm or amend your data. You can also raise queries with your academic/graduate school or the Finance Office.

The Registration Status screen prompts what you need to do. When you’ve completed a task a green tick will show in place of the red cross. When all of the boxes have a green tick – then you must click on the ‘Register’ button. The ‘Register’ button only works when all of the outstanding tasks have been completed. Once you have clicked on the ‘Register’ button you have successfully completed your registration. 

When you’re fully registered, you’ll get the following message: 

'You have completed the registration process for the current academic year. However you can use this system to keep your address and other details up to date. You can also use the system to generate some documentation that you may need to confirm your student status.' 

Programme details

During the registration period, you need to check your details carefully before registering. Most students will progress on their programme. Others may need to repeat a year or transfer. 

If the programme and stage are correct, select ‘Save’. 

If the programme and stage shown on the Programme Details screen are incorrect, do not save the programme. Instead, use the ‘Enquire’ option. Include why you think your programme or stage are wrong and this will be sent to your academic/graduate school office. You will receive an email confirming your message has been sent. A member of staff from the school will then confirm to you when this has been updated accordingly, or if they have any further questions for you. 


You will only be able to access this screen after you’ve confirmed your programme of study. When you’ve confirmed your programme the fees due will be displayed here. 

If you’re not paying your fees yourself – and this has already been cleared in the system – you will not have to check anything on this screen. 

If you have to pay fees before you can complete registration the details will be displayed on this screen. If you use the screen to pay online, you will be able to complete registration sooner. Otherwise, you will need to visit the Finance team in person.  

The Finance team can be contacted by telephone: +44 (0) 191 222 5786 or email:  


New students choose their modules during the registration period. Instructions on how to do this will be provided by your academic school.  

Students returning to study in the next academic year should have already selected their modules earlier in the year. This allows time to create individual timetables. Any changes made to your modules after this time are subject to timetable clashes.  

Although we always try to ensure popular optional choice combinations do not clash, new students selecting their modules may need to check the timetable first. 

Module choice

If you’re using the Student Portal for your module choice, you need to confirm your programme of study first. Your module choice is only provisional, it may need approval by your school. 

Most full-time undergraduate students have to choose 120 credits of modules. Most full time postgraduate students choose 180 credits. The Student Portal knows what course you’re studying and whether you’re studying full time or part time. It won’t let you submit your modules unless you have selected the right number of modules. 

If you have compulsory modules these will be shown automatically and you won’t be able to change them. If there is an exceptional reason why you need to change compulsory modules, use the ‘Send Enquiry’ option. This will be sent to your academic school for review who will be in touch with you in due course. 

Optional modules are those listed as part of your programme and from which you will choose most of your modules. If you need to choose optional modules, click on the ‘Optional Modules’ button then use the tick boxes and press ‘Select’. 

If you choose incorrect modules you can delete them using the bin icon on the main module screen. 

Some degree programmes allow you to have a free choice of module. The ‘Free Search’ button allows you to search for all live modules in the University. You will need to be careful when you choose modules from this list, ensuring they relate to your programme of study. 

There is an indicator against module codes if they are a pre-requisite module – i.e. a module that you should already have studied or be studying. It’s your responsibility to check if you have studied pre-requisites for all optional or free choice modules. 

Some optional or free choice modules are capped, meaning only a limited number of students can do these modules. You will only be able to choose a capped module if there are still places on it. You might need to be quick to submit your modules. 

Other students may submit while you’re making your choices, so you could be rejected for a module. If a capped module is already full you won’t be able to choose it, but you can sign up on a waiting list. Information regarding how to sign up for a waiting list will be sent to you after the module choice period has ended. You will receive email confirmation when you’ve signed up for a waiting list. 

Producing your own documents

A number of Official University documents can be produced and printed via the Student Portal.

Registration Document

You can access this document once you have completed all registration tasks. If you are unable to download the university app to create a digital smart card, you will need to show this registration document on your phone or digital device to receive your smart card.

Certificate of Registration

A Certificate of Registration is a letter confirming you are registered for a specific academic year. Current students may need them to prove their registration status. You can also produce it for previous academic years.

Council Tax Certificate

Most students are entitled to some form of exemption or discount, but this depends on individual circumstances. If you are exempt from paying Council Tax you will need to submit a Council Tax Exemption Certificate providing details about your course.

Once registered for an academic year, if you are studying a full time programme, you should be able to download a copy of your council tax certificate via the Student Portal.

If you have any difficulties doing this, taught students should email and research students should email their graduate school: HaSS and SAgE students should email and Medical students should email:

If you are not sure whether you are eligible for a Council Tax Exemption, further information can be found at the Student Finance Wellbeing webpage


A Transcript of Study is a comprehensive list of modules taken and marks achieved. Current Undergraduate or Postgraduate taught students can print a transcript if they require evidence of modules studied and marks achieved.

During the exam board periods, access to transcripts may be restricted.

Student Support Plan

You will only be able to view this document if you have met with Student Health and Wellbeing Services about specific support and adjustments.

A Student Support Plan is produced by the Student Health and Wellbeing Service and it sets out identified support and reasonable adjustments, and the information staff need to be aware of to ensure that you can access and participate in your course of study.  The Student Support Plan is intended to be a working document and can be updated at any point during your studies.

If you feel this is something you could benefit from, please contact the Student Health and Wellbeing Service directly by emailing: or by booking an appointment via their web enquiry form

If you require these documents to be officially stamped by the University, do not print them yourself. Instead, send your request to or, if you are on campus, call in to Student Services at level 2, King’s Gate. 

Absence request

To submit an absence request, please follow the steps below: 

  • login to the Student Portal and select 'Absence Request' 
  • to add a new request click '+Add new request' 
  • select the reason for your absence from the 'absence reason' drop down 
  • enter the details of your absence 
  • attach documents or select ‘I will submit evidence later’
  • tick the declaration and submit 

Your new request will appear in the Absence Request Overview. You can change or cancel your request from this screen. Any comments from your school will appear in the absence request. 

Student data

Data screens 1 and 2 contain most of the information that the University holds about you.  It’s important the information is correct and complete. 

What we keep and why 

Student data 1 screen

This screen holds important personal information about you, including your contact details. When you register for the first time some of the fields may have already been populated with data collected from you during the admission processes. It is important you check that everything is correct and make any amendments.  We will ask you to check the data on this screen at the start of each academic year, but you can access the Student Portal any time during your studies to update your details. 

It is important that we have up to date contact details for you. Please ensure your personal email address, mobile phone number and postal addresses are correct. We need your current home and term-time addresses to send any written correspondence to you. We also need your trusted contact information, of a relative or friend, so we can contact them if you become ill during your time at university, or for any other emergencies. It is a requirement under University regulations that students should notify us of any changes of address by updating their details in the Student Portal. 

Once you’ve finished checking and amending the data, press the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen. If you’ve missed any compulsory fields these will be highlighted in red and you’ll need to go back and complete them before pressing the ‘Save’ button again. 

Student data 2 screen

You will only be required to check and amend the data on this screen when you first register with the University, or if you start a postgraduate programme after completing undergraduate studies. 

If you’re a new undergraduate student who has completed A-levels or equivalent qualifications before starting University, these should be listed here. If anything is missing or incorrect please let us know by clicking on the ‘Qualifications enquiry’ button at the bottom of the screen. The key information we need is the level of the award, the subject and the date. 

If you’re a postgraduate student your previous qualifications will not be listed on this screen. We asked you to supply evidence of your qualifications to us during the application process, so we don’t need you to check this information. You only need to complete the ‘highest qualification before starting the course’ field by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown list. 

The remaining fields on the Student data 2 screen are key pieces of personal information which we are required to collect for statistical purposes and for our statutory returns to external bodies such as HEFCE (The Higher Education Funding Council for England). The information you provide is stored and used in strict confidence. Although we would like all of our students to complete these fields, if you do not want to supply this information you can select the ‘information refused’ option.  

We often receive queries about the following two fields included in this part of the screen: 

  • Is your gender the same as at birth? – If your gender has changed since you were born you should select ‘No’ from the dropdown list. If your gender has remained unchanged you should select ‘Yes’. 
  • Care leaver – If you’re a UK or EU student we need to know whether you have been in care prior to commencing your studies at the University. Being in care is defined as accommodation and/or care provided by a local authority or health care trust where a parent/guardian are prevented from doing so. International students from outside the EU do not need to complete this field. 

Once you’ve finished checking and amending the data press the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen. If you’ve missed any compulsory fields these will be highlighted in red and you must go back and complete them before pressing the ‘Save’ button again. 

If you have queries about the data fields on the Student Data 1 or Student Data 2 screens please contact Student Registration.   

Support with the Student Portal

If you have problems with registration contact your academic or graduate school first. Contact details can be found at the back of the Student Guide or you can send a message to your school using the ‘Enquire’ button on the Student Portal ‘Programme Details’ screen. 

The Student Data Team provide support during the registration period. They can help with queries related to the Student Portal including, registration issues, document requests, changes to your circumstance etc. 

Telephone +44 (0) 191 208 3423 or email them for help.

If you have technical problems with the Student Portal or other University systems, please email IT Service Desk or telephone +44 (0) 191 208 5999.