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Standard Visitor Visa

The Standard Visitor visa is for students coming to the UK for a short programme, which does not involve work.

Students who want to study a programme of study or research for 6 months or less can enter the UK as a visitor.

You can come to the UK to study as a visitor for study at an accredited institution;

  • On a programme of no more than 6 month in duration, or consecutive programmes not exceeding 6 months in total for one visit, or;
  • For a period of research or to receive research tuition with specific requirements, or;
  • For a Medical Elective programme of no more than 6 months, or;
  • For a Study Abroad programme of less than 6 months, or;
  • To re-sit an exam or module, or;
  • To take a viva, or;
  • To visit as part of a distance learning programme.

It is also possible to visit the UK as part of an educational exchange or for a recreational programme.

Specific requirements for study

If you are coming to the UK for a period of research, to learn about research or for a medical Elective, you will need confirmation that:

  • Your programme at your home institution is equivalent to a UK degree (ENIC can confirm this), and;
  • The research or medical Elective you are undertaking in the UK is part of, or relevant to, your programme at your home institution, and;
  • That you have been accepted at an accredited UK institution. Your visa letter from Newcastle University will confirm this.

All applicants will also need:

  • A visa letter from Newcastle University to confirm that you have been accepted on a programme of study, period of research, as a Medical Elective, or on a Study Abroad programme or;
  • A visa letter to confirm that you will be taking a viva, re-sitting an exam or module or coming to the UK as part of a distance learning programme.

If you are a registered student and require a visa letter to apply for a Standard Visitor visa, you will need to request a letter of support from Newcastle University.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

Some programmes will require ATAS clearance. If your programme does need ATAS clearance you should apply as soon as you are notified of the requirement. An ATAS certificate will be required for registration at Newcastle University, if applicable.

Students who are nationals of EU countries, the European Economic Area (EEA), Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland or the United States of America do not need ATAS clearance.

Applying for a visitor visa

Not all students will have to apply for entry clearance to come to the UK as a visitor.

If you do need to apply for entry clearance, you will need to make an online application, providing the required supporting documents.

If you do not need entry clearance, you should carry all relevant supporting documents in your hand luggage on your journey to the UK.

The UK introduced Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) in November 2023 for those wishing to enter the UK but do not need entry clearance. Please see our ETA pages for more details.


Nationals of some countries can enter the UK using e Gates. This means that you will not receive a stamp in your passport. You should keep evidence of your journey to the UK, such as a boarding pass or flight ticket. You will be required to provide this evidence for your registration at Newcastle University.

Short Term Study visas

Students who want to come to the UK to study English for up to 11 months can apply for a Short Term Study visa. This visa requires entry clearance and can only be used to study English language programmes.