Student Voice
Find out more about Student Voice at Newcastle and how you can get involved
Student Voice is an important part of every student’s experience at Newcastle.
Throughout the year we have a variety of opportunities for you to get involved in student voice activities and share the change you want to see at the University.
Use the survey links below to find out how to have your say! Your feedback helps us improve the student experience and we use it to shape positive change for our student community.
Newcastle Experience Survey - the Newcastle Experience Survey is open to all undergraduate students who are not in their final year of study. The survey opens at the start of February as part of the University's 'Feedback February' and closes at the end of February. The survey is used to gather feedback on the students’ experiences of their programme and their time at Newcastle University so far.
NSS – the National Student Survey is an annual survey for all undergraduate students in their final year of study. This survey will ask about the quality of your course, your academic experience while at Newcastle and give you the opportunity to feed back about your learning experience as a whole. The results of this survey help us to identify where student experience can be improved and work across the University to make positive changes based of your response.
PTES – if you are a postgraduate taught student, you will be invited to complete the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey. This survey is open to most postgraduate taught students to share your views on your course and learning experience. The responses to this survey will help shape and improve postgraduate courses going forward.
Student Representation
Many Student Voice activities are run by or in collaboration with your Students’ Union. For example, you will have a course and school rep who regularly represents you at Staff Student Committees (SSC’s) with key staff from your school. More information on how the rep system works, who you are represented by and how you can get involved can be found on your Students’ Union website.
Why should I take part?
Taking part in surveys/student voice activities means you can:
- Make and see positive change
- Shape your learning experience
- Meet fellow students
- Win competitions/get rewards
- Have your voice heard
- Learn new skills through participating in the school or course rep system
- Contribute to charity donations for some surveys
Are responses anonymous?
Your responses are treated confidentially and only the Educational Policy and Governance Team within the University (the team dealing with surveys) can see individual responses. Only anonymised data is shared with Schools/programmes and any other teams within the University. Please refer to the University’s Student Privacy Notice for more information.
Please take care to not identify yourself or someone else when completing the survey.
What do I need to do?
Your Schools, Degree Programme Directors (DPDs), reps, Students’ Union and other staff will share details on how to take part in the above as they open. You will also receive information from Student Surveys directly to your inbox on how you can get involved in surveys as they open, within plenty of time to get involved – keep an eye on your Canvas. See the ‘get in touch’ section below for contacts on wider student voice activity.
How to raise concerns
There may be occasions during your studies when things may not work out quite as you would wish or something may go wrong. We are very receptive to resolving any issues you may experience. Providing feedback on your studies is different to seeking support/raising a concern/making a formal complaint. Support is available to help you do this. Follow this link for further information.
Get in touch
- Your School and Course reps can be found in your Student Dashboard. Use the ‘Coursemate’ section to submit feedback on your School or course
- The Educational Policy and Governance Service (EPGS) is the team at the University who supports the Student Voice. Email the EPGS team
- Ask a question about any of these surveys
- General enquiries for your Students’ Union