Early Career Researchers
Early Career Researchers
The Supergen Energy Networks hub is committed to support the Early Career Researchers (ECRs) working across this sector. Our ECR network provides greater opportunities for Energy Networks ECRs to help them develop into future leaders in the sector.
We take a broad view of what counts as an ECR, spanning from PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, through to academics at the start of their careers. Broadly, if you consider yourself an ECR then so do we.
There are many oppotunities for ECR's to get involved, If you want to stay up to date with everything we’re doing, sign up to our ECR mailing list and be the first to know about our upcoming events.
ECR Cross Hub Webinar Series
The Supergen Hubs have got together to host a new series of cross-hub webinars to allow ECRs from all the Supergen Hubs to connect and share their experience under these challenging circumstances!
If you have missed any of thr webinars, these are available to view.
UKERC summer school
Hi Supergen Community
We would like to remind everyone that we are hosting the UKERC International Summer School in June at Newcastle University. Please follow the link to find the draft programme and application form on the UKERC website.
We have earmarked some of our travel fund to support Supergen ECR’s and members to attend. This will cover the cost of signing up to the summer school, plus reasonable travel. The signup fee for the summer school (normally £400) covers accommodation and food for the whole week. If you would like to learn more about the running order for the week, please find the draft programme on the UKERC website.
If you would like to attend please fill out UKERC’s application form, found on the UKERC website, and then also complete an application to the travel fund. Please make sure to tick the box in the travel fund form to show that the application is for UKERC Summer School funding.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email Dan