Supergen Energy Networks Hub

News Items

Net Zero Innovation Board

Supergen Energy Networks are pleased to announce that Professor Phil Taylor (University of Bristol) has been asked to join the government’s Net Zero Innovation Board’ as an independent member.

Chaired by Sir Patrick Vallance (The Government Chief Scientific Adviser), the purpose of the board is to provide strategic oversight of government funding of net-zero innovation programmes. Specifically, the board will: 

  • provide strategic oversight of public programmes on energy innovation. 
  • identify opportunities for enhanced collaboration on both UK and international energy innovation priorities. 
  • ensure that government spending is aligned with government priorities. 
  • provide clear recommendations to ministers and others across government to address issues identified by the board. 

Phil Taylor will join a team of technical experts and stakeholders from a range of backgrounds including government departments, public bodies, industry, and academia. 

Since its inception, one of the goals of the Supergen Energy Networks project is to help shape investment and inform policy making to help achieve net-zero. Phil’s position on the board is an opportunity to further fulfil this aim. 

Further information about the Net Zero Innovation Board can be found on the website.

published on: 5 July 2022