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Climate action so far

The Climate Action Plan was published in 2021, but climate action has been happening at Newcastle University long before this.





  • Organised a Sustainability Week, bringing together groups and individuals from the University and beyond to talk about everything sustainability!
  • Started the Sustainability Network newsletter, connecting more of our university community with regular updates on sustainable action.
  • Our grounds team planted over 1500 m2 of wildflower beds across campus.
  • Worked with volunteers to carry out hedgehog surveys on campus as part of ongoing works to help protect the threatened species.
  • 10 more labs gained Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) accreditation (including 5 at gold level!), doubling the size of our community of environmentally certified labs.
  • Installed a Combined Heat and Power engine in our Merz Court Energy Centre to provide low carbon heating and electricity to a large area of the campus. Commissioning work will continue into 2024.
  • Expanded our team to 10 full-time sustainability professionals - we started off with just 2!
  • Surpassed 700 members signed up to our ongoing Furniture Reuse project.
  • Launched the Dr Bike project to support active commuting to campus and organised 11 sessions which rehomed almost 50 bikes and helped hundreds of cyclists with repairs and advice.


  • Worked with NUSU on a Climate Conscious Careers event. 
  • Took part in the Learning and Teaching Conference in March, creating a focus around sustainable development. 
  • Hosted an event on climate action at Newcastle University with participants from across our university community. 
  • Became a founding member of the Nature Positive Universities Alliance. 
  • Started the Sustainability Blog 
  • Retained our ‘First Class’ sustainability ranking awarded by the People and Planet University League for the 10th year in a row.  
  • Ranked 4th in the UK and joint 24th in the world for sustainable development in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. 
  • Contributed to Spudfest, an event organised by the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences alongside Keenan Recycling Ltd, EAT@Newcastle, and Newcastle Food Bank to promote sustainable agriculture.


  • Divestment of all endowment funds fromin fossil fuel companies 
  • The Shaping Futures campaign, with a focus on climate action, was led by NUSU 
  • Net-zero carbon dioxide emissions target brought forward to 2030 
  • Phase 1 of the Climate Action Plan (PDF: 5,393 KB)‌ published 
  • Shortlisted in the Green Gown Awards in the ‘2030 Climate Action’ category for the University’s Climate Action Plan and the ‘Benefitting Society’ category in recognition of ‘Climate Change Catastrophe’, a collaborative theatre project between the University and Cap-a-Pie 
  • First Climate Action Plan engagement workshop conducted with Estates & Facilities’ Senior Management Team 
  • Extended King’s Gate PV array to 116.4kWp, produced by 284 panels 
  • Second phase of Solar PV project underway across four more sites, with plans for more phases over the coming years
  • Retained ISO 14001 and 50001 certifications for Environmental and Energy Management Systems 
  • Achieved BEIS carbon pledge of 30% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions compared to 2009/10 baseline


  • Opening of The Catalystthe University’s first BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ Building and one of only two in the region
  • Sustainable Framework for Construction is published
  • Secured £2.9 million of government funding via the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP) for a biofuel CHP (Combined Heat and Power) unit to serve eight buildings on campus, saving approximately 11.5% of University scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Commissioned largest Solar PV array to date on our King’s Gate building with 93.4 kWp being produced by 230 panels
  • Student Environment and Sustainability Committee (ESC) launched


  • Declared a climate emergency and net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2040 target
  • Ventured into TEC Power Purchase Agreement to purchase Blyth wind-generated electricity
  • Release of Staff Engagement Programme, 'Action 2020'
  • Began working with Carbon Trust on our Scope 3 Carbon footprint
  • Hosted the Climate Conversation Event
  • Became member of Newcastle City’s Net-Zero Taskforce


  • Signed up to the BEIS HE carbon pledge



  • Carbon Advisory Report produced including investment commitment


  • Energy Policy established
  • ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification achieved
  • First Celebrating Success: Environment Awards


  • Partnered with Go Smarter to Work to deliver sustainable travel incentives e.g. Dr Bike


  • First audit on sustainability in the curriculum carried out as part of a student project



  • Opened our Salix Recycling Fund for energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects


  • The Sustainability Team was created to ensure that the University has a full-time team dedicated to monitoring and reducing its environmental impacts.
  • First Carbon Management Plan published
  • Established the University’s Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC)