Satellite images show the functional diversity of tropical forests
Satellite images from space are allowing scientists to delve deeper into the individual functions of different tropical forest canopies with new and surprising results.
Study shows Indian Ocean devil rays at risk of overfishing
Newcastle University experts demonstrate a data-poor approach to assess the sustainability of devil ray catch in Indian Ocean fisheries.
New environmentally-friendly mortar reduces heat loss
A mortar made from recycled plastic and silica aerogel which improves insulation and reduces plastic waste has been developed by Newcastle University researchers.
New centre will support transition to low-carbon living
Researchers at Newcastle University are to play a crucial role in a new centre that will support more people make the transition to low-carbon living.
Calls to curb invasive species spread via untreated water transfer
Experts are warning of the risks of spreading invasive and non-native species when moving large volumes of untreated lake, reservoir and river water.
Logged forests more valuable for conservation than oil palm
New research provides the most comprehensive assessment to date of how logging and conversion to oil palm plantations affect tropical forest ecosystems.