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Ethical Investment

Newcastle University is committed to embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria within our investment approach in accordance with our sustainability commitments.

Socially Responsible Investment

Newcastle University investments are governed by the University’s Socially Responsible Investment Policy. This policy aims to ensure that the University's long-term investments are socially and environmentally responsible and, as part of this, the University does not permit investment in certain types of companies.
Specifically, the University does not allow investment in:

  • Tobacco related companies,
  • Companies making revenue from extraction and production of fossil fuels,
  • Companies manufacturing armaments.

The policy also describes the process by which any member of the University community can raise concerns over specific holdings within University’s investments. 


A full list of investment holdings and quarterly sector analysis are available on the Financial Disclosures webpage. 

Details on the action we are taking towards addressing climate change through our investments are featured within our 10-Point Climate Action Plan .

University Finance Committee

Oversight of University Investments is conducted by University Finance Committee, which includes student representation by the President of the Students' Union. A member of the University’s Sustainability Team attends one meeting of Finance Committee per year where fund managers provide their annual report, including ESG analysis.

COP26 Declaration for Asset Owner Climate Expectations

In November 2021, Newcastle University became one of the founding signatories of the COP26 declaration for asset owner climate expectations. We engage with our fund managers to progress the aims of setting minimum expectations to drive change in the sector.  

You can find out more on our approach to responsible investing through this blog post.

Divestment Q&A

Explore our answers to some of the University's most commonly asked questions about ethical investment. Still unsure? Contact the team at