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Coastal management
Coastal management
- Edwards, A.J., Field, C.D. and Fortes, M.D. (Eds) (1999). Special Issue: Rehabilitation of Coastal Ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 37 (8-12): 371-557
- Austin, T., Douglas, A., Edwards, A.J., Galal, N., Hawkins, J., Hogarth, P., Mees, C., Ormond, R.F.G., Roberts, C.M., Van’t Hof, T., Watson, M., Wells, S. and White, A. (1996). The Exploitation of Coral Reefs. Ecological Issue No. 7. British Ecological Society, London. 45 pp.
- Price, A.R.G., Burbridge, P.R., Edwards, A.J. and Brown, B.E. (1993). Coasts. UNESCO Environment and Development Briefs No. 6. UNESCO, Paris. 16 pp.
- Edwards, A.J. (1993). Managing systems not uses: the challenges of water borne interdependence and coastal dynamics, pp. 149-154, in: Priorities for Water Resources Allocation and Management. (Proceedings of the ODA Natural Resources and Engineering Advisers Conference, Southampton, July 1992). Overseas Development Administration, London. 176 pp.
- Edwards, A.J. and Ali, M. (1990). Coastal management problems in the Maldives, pp. 287-292, in: Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (eds. D. Bandhu, H. Singh and A.K. Maitra). Indian Environmental Society: New Delhi.
- Edwards, A.J. (1989). Strategies for the future and the importance of coastal zone management in the context of sea-level rise. Paper MDV/SLR/12, Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise, Malé, 14-18 November 1989. 18 pp.
- Edwards, A.J. (1989). The Implications of Sea-Level Rise for the Republic of Maldives.
Report to the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise, June 1989. Centre for Tropical Coastal
Management Studies, Newcastle University: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. iv + 104 pp. + 4 annexes.