Tuition Fee Costs
Prospective students can find the cost of tuition fees for the first year of study by referring to the fees and funding section on our course pages.
Home fee paying undergraduate student
For Home undergraduate students, course fees nationally are subject to a government fee cap.
In November 2024 the government increased the maximum fee level from £9,250 to £9,535 for 2025/26.
Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course. £9,535 is the maximum fee that we are permitted to charge for home fee-paying students for the academic year 2025-26. This is set by the UK government.
As a general principle, you should expect the tuition fee to increase in each subsequent academic year of your course, subject to government regulations on fee increases and in line with inflation.
This is to ensure we can continue to invest in a high-quality student education experience and support in the face of rising operational costs.
International undergraduate students
Tuition fees for overseas students will vary according to your chosen programme of study. New students can find out the cost of tuition fees on the relevant course page.
Undergraduate students undertaking a placement year will pay the same fee as home fee paying students, depending upon the first year of entry to your programme of study.
Undergraduate placement year fees
If you are undertaking a placement year as part of your Undergraduate degree programme you will pay a reduced fee for the placement year. You will keep your student status during the placement year.
Fees stated below are for students in 2025-26.
As a general principle you should expect fees to rise subject to government regulations on fee increases and in line with inflation.
Students on a non-Turing industrial placement year that is fully assessed and contributes to the final degree classification, replacing a year of study in Newcastle.
Students studying for a full year overseas, or on a Turing work placement that is fully assessed and contributes to the final degree classification, replacing a year of study in Newcastle.
Students on work placement or study abroad years that are additional to the standard duration of the degree and, if assessed, the assessment does not contribute to the final degree classification
Retaining student status (as a registered student) allows you access to University and NUSU resources:
- Library resources (required to complete your assignments)
- Student Counselling Service
- Careers Service
- Chaplaincy
- Student Wellbeing
- Students’ Union Advice centre
- Sports facilities
- IT account and services
This is in addition to the ongoing administrative, academic and pastoral support provided by either your school or the Careers Service, before, during and after your placement year. For further information visit the Careers Service website, which includes information on additional costs and who will manage your placement.
Wider student benefits also include:
- Council Tax exemption
- access to Student Loans
- reduced travel costs for students working in London
- student discounts
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate tuition fees are payable for each year of your programme of study. They can vary from stage to stage according to your programme of study.
Newcastle University charges tuition fees by academic year. If you begin your studies mid-year, you need only pay the proportion of your tuition fee due to cover the period to the end of the academic year. You should also expect that the fee due in September, at the start of the next academic year, will be higher than in the previous year, due to an inflationary increase.
New students can find out the cost of tuition fees for the first year of study on the relevant course page.
View individual Postgraduate course pages to see fees for the first year.
The following are for research programmes with a considerable element of high-cost laboratory work and may be added at the head of school’s discretion.
- Band 2a premium - £3,700
- Band 2b premium - £7,400
- Band 2c premium - £9,500
- Band 3 premium - £13,200
Band 4 premiums can also be applied and are determined on an individual basis depending on the costs of the research project.
Writing-up fees for postgraduate research students
Research degree candidates (registered on Doctoral &Mphil programmes) completing their minimum period of candidature
Candidates who have completed their minimum candidature are regarded as being pending submission candidates. Those who request to extend beyond their maximum candidature are termed extended submission candidates.
Pending submission candidates who have completed their minimum candidature, but who still require access to significant resources (e.g. access to laboratory and/or workspace facilities), to actively progress their research must register and pay the normal tuition fee for the programme. See (i) below.
Pending submission candidates who no longer require access to significant resources will, after minimum candidature and for one year only, pay a reduced pending submission fee. See (ii) below.
Extended submission candidates who no longer require access to significant resources will pay the fee listed in (iii) below.
It should be noted that if submission is earlier than the minimum prescribed period, the fees will still be required to be paid for the whole candidature.
Tuition fee rates
- (i) all candidates requiring full facilities and support pay, whether within or outside of their candidature - the normal tuition fee for the programme
- (ii) pending submission candidates requiring reduced support, part-time and full-time, who do not fall into category (i) above - £0**
- (iii) extended submission candidates, part-time and full-time, who do not fall into category (i) above - £2,750
** Note: Candidates who are not actively engaged in continued research, and who have completed their minimum candidature, will be charged a zero fee for their Pending Submission Year. The decision about whether a candidate is eligible for the zero fee will be made on an individual basis, by the Faculty Dean of Postgraduate Studies. Candidates who are deemed to be still engaged in active research will pay a further full year fee.
Writing-up fees for postgraduate taught students
The writing up fee for all postgraduate taught students (including MRes, MLitt and MMus programmes) is:
- full time £900
- part time £450
Writing up fee after the completion of the period of full-time or part-time registration prescribed by the regulations.
Students repeating study
Undergraduate students
You will be charged to register and attend a repeat year or part year of study, as follows:
- if registering to repeat more than 60 credits in the academic year you will pay the appropriate full-time fee
- if registering to repeat 60 credits or less in the academic year you will pay the appropriate fee for the number of credits taken
Postgraduate students
If you are repeating a year or part year of study you will pay the annual fee on a pro-rata basis. This fee will be based on the number of credits you are repeating, measured as whole modules. If you are repeating only part of a module, you will be charged the entire module fee.