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Brexit and Agriculture: What’s next for British farmers? by Dr Carmen Hubbard

Dr Carmen Hubbard, Newcastle University

Date/Time:  Thursday 6 May 2021, 5.30pm

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Hosted by Professor Sally Shortall

Agriculture will face new challenges now that the UK has left the European Union (EU). Brexit will also affect the source and price of our food. Under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), British farmers benefitted from generous subsidies. Is Brexit a blessing or a curse? This lecture provides insights into some of the issues, focussing on how CAP has shaped UK agriculture over the past half-century and the changes that are likely to ensue as a result of Brexit.


Before joining Newcastle in 2004, and following the award of her PhD by the University of Aberdeen, Dr Hubbard was a lecturer at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania. She also worked in Romania as an economic consultant in several policy-oriented projects, funded by EU, the World Bank and USAID and as an economic adviser for the Minister of Agriculture.

Currently she is leading a project on ‘Brexit and Agriculture’ funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council. Professor Hubbard sits on the Executive Board of the Agricultural Economics Society and a regional steering group, the North East Farming and Rural Advisory Network.

Live Q&A:

The lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with the speaker. You can submit a question in advance by sending an email to or during the event using YouTube Live Chat or via Twitter @InsightsNCL.

This event will be hosted on YouTube, registration is not required.

Watch from Thursday 6 May at 5.30pm