INSIGHTS Virtual Lectures: More than Food: solidarity and care at the Newcastle West End Foodbank by Dr Alison Atkinson-Phillips
Dr Alison Atkinson-Phillips, Lecturer in Public History, Newcastle University
Date/Time: Thursday 7 May 2020, 17:30 - 18:00
The Covid-19 crisis has drawn attention to the importance of a strong food supply chain. But many of the UK’s poorest citizens faced problems accessing adequate food and basic necessities well before the toilet rolls ran out. This lecture draws on oral history interviews conducted with foodbank clients, volunteers and supporters of the Newcastle West End Foodbank since 2018, that demonstrate the vital role played by the foodbank beyond the provision of food.
The Foodbank Histories project is a collaboration between the Newcastle University Oral History Collective, Northern Cultural Projects and Newcastle West End Foodbank. Visit Newcastle West End Foodbank for information and to donate.
The lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with the speaker.
Watch the Recording