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INSIGHTS Virtual Lectures: Philosophy in times of crisis: thinking about Covid-19 with the help of Emmanuel Levinas by Dr Tina Chanter

Dr Tina Chanter, Lecturer in Philosophy, Newcastle University

Date/Time:  Thursday 9 July 2020, 17:30 - 18:30

Introduction by Dr Michael Lewis, Head of Philosophical Studies, Newcastle University

In deeply troubling times—times of large-scale war, catastrophe, pandemics—certain voices rise above the general clamour, voices of experience and wisdom. When the world seems upside down, when history is arrested, such voices come into their own.

In this lecture Dr Tina Chanter will draw on the work of Emmanuel Levinas, a great ethical philosopher of the twentieth century who has thought more profoundly than many about everyday life.

The lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with the speaker.

Watch from Thursday 9 July at 5.30pm