Jack Jeffery Lecture: People powered: what if people, not technology, are the answer to the climate crisis? by Dr Katy Roelich
Dr Katy Roelich, University of Leeds
Date/Time: Tuesday 11 October 2022, 5.30pm
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Jack Jeffery Lecture
Solutions to the climate crisis are often discussed in terms of gigawatts of renewable energy or numbers of electric vehicles needed to decarbonise. But these technologies have profound impacts on the daily lives of people and in turn are shaped by the decisions and activities of people. This lecture will argue that putting people at the heart of decisions about the climate crisis will accelerate change and lead to better outcomes for all.
Katy Roelich is Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds. Her research examines how to drive rapid, sustainable and fair societal transformations so we can avoid environmental breakdown without exacerbating existing inequalities. She followed a very similar path to Jack Jeffery, with degrees in Chemistry and Environmental Engineering (at Newcastle) and a period in the water and environmental sector before completing her PhD in social science.
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