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Jack Jeffery Sustainability Lecture: What a load of rubbish! Bins, behaviours and the circular economy by Dr Helen Holmes

Dr Helen Holmes, University of Manchester

Date/Time:  Tuesday 12 November 2024, 5.30pm

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All our events remain free and open to all, but pre-booking is required. Bookings for this lecture will open at 10.00am on 5 November.

To reserve your place click the booking link below or telephone our booking voicemail line 0191 208 6136.

The Jack Jeffery Lecture on Environment and Sustainability is funded by a generous donation.

Chaired by Dr Alistair Ford, Lecturer in Geospatial Data Analytics and Policy Academy Fellow

Have you ever been confused about what goes in which bin? Perhaps you are concerned about whether your recycling actually does get recycled. What we do with our rubbish reveals a whole set of challenges, practices and unintended consequences: what do policies that attempt to transition our consumption and disposal practices towards a circular economy mean for households?


Dr Helen Holmes is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester. Her work explores consumption, waste and diverse forms of economy, including circular economy. Helen has worked on multiple interdisciplinary projects, the latest of which is the UKRI funded study ‘One Bin to Rule Them All’, exploring the barriers and challenges to household plastic recycling. Her most recent book ‘The Materiality of Nothing’ (Routledge, 2023) draws together Helen’s research expertise on the social practices of consumption, waste and disposal and their relevance for environmental sustainability. Helen is Deputy Director of the University of Manchester’s Sustainable Futures Platform.

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