INSIGHTS Public Lecture: Molds, mushrooms and medicines by Professor Nicholas P Money
Professor Nicholas P Money, Miami University
Date/Time: Tuesday 15 October 2024, 5.30pm
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Chaired by Jan Quinn, Professor of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Our dependence on fungi extends from the yeasts of the gut mycobiome to the ecological activities of mushrooms. Some fungi support our health, others cause serious allergies and life-threatening infections. Fungi are sources of food and medicines, their toxins have shaped human history, and magic mushrooms open the doors of perception. This is the story of the human-fungus symbiosis both near and far.
Nicholas Money is Professor of Biology and Western Program Director at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He is an international expert on fungal biology and author of popular science books that celebrate the microbial world including The Rise of Yeast: How the Sugar Fungus Shaped Civilization and Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicine: Our Lifelong Relationship with Fungi. His writing is noted for blending first-rate science with stories of human interest.
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