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Three tales from the frontier of medical sciences research

Date/Time:  Tuesday 15 November 2022, 5.30pm

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On Tuesday 15 November, three Postgraduate students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University will be have the opportunity to deliver a public lecture, describing their quests at the cutting edge of science and how their research will underpin the medical treatments of tomorrow and improve our health and care.

The winning entries are:

Brainpower: what happens when the energy fails? by Elizaveta Olkhova

(Winner of the public vote)

Using a novel mouse model, we investigated energy failure in nerve cells that control brain activity and compared this to individuals affected by neurodegeneration and epilepsy.

Investigating Problem-Orientated Dental Attendance: Toothache to Treatment by Charlotte Currie

(Selected by the judging panel)

Problem-orientated dental attenders only seek care with toothache. This research looked at the reasons for this, where these patients attend and what changes can be made to encourage regular care.

Preterm gut: strain-specific impact of probiotics by Lauren Beck

(Selected by the judging panel)

In the largest metagenomic analysis of 1,431 longitudinal stool samples from 123 healthy preterm infants, we find different probiotics have unique impacts on microbiome structure and function.

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