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INSIGHTS Virtual Lecture: Neuroblastoma: A master of disguise and a challenge to cure by Professor Deborah Tweddle

Professor Deborah Tweddle, Newcastle University

Date/Time:  Tuesday 22 February 2022, 5.30pm

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Celebrating 40 years of life-saving cancer research

Hosted by Professor Sally Shortall, Co-Chair of the Public Lectures Committee with introduction from Professor Andy Blamire, Dean of Translational and Clinical Research Institute and Professor of Magnetic Resonance Physics

Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system. It is the commonest childhood cancer after brain tumours and one of the most difficult to cure. This lecture will discuss how neuroblastoma presents, and how advances in understanding genetics of this enigmatic cancer over the last 20 years have led to improvements in treatment and cure rates. It will also examine some remaining hurdles and how these might be overcome in the future.


Professor Deborah Tweddle is an Honorary Consultant in Paediatric and Adolescent Oncology at the Great North Children’s Hospital (GNCH) and Professor of Paediatric Oncology at the Newcastle University Centre for Cancer. Professor Tweddle has a specific interest in childhood neuroblastoma research – biological, translational and clinical – which she has specialised in for over 20 years.As a clinical academic in paediatric oncology, Professor Tweddle spends half of her time at Newcastle University supervising her research team or undertaking duties related to the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia group tissue bank, of which she is the Scientific Director. The remainder of her time is spent looking after patients with neuroblastoma at the GNCH and co-directing the National Neuroblastoma Genetics Reference centre service with her NHS cytogenetics colleagues

Live Q&A:

The lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with the speaker. You can submit a question in advance by sending an email to or during the event using YouTube Live Chat or via Twitter @InsightsNCL.

This event will be hosted on YouTube, registration is not required.

Watch from Tuesday 22 February at 5.30pm