INSIGHTS Virtual Lecture: Who runs your University? by Dr John Hogan
Dr John Hogan, Newcastle University
Date/Time: Thursday 24 March 2022, 5.30pm
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Most universities have become huge organisations teaching tens of thousands of students, employing thousands of staff and with financial turnovers in the hundreds of millions. In this valedictory lecture, the Registrar of Newcastle University will explore the question of who is in charge and the key changes over time, as well as some of the contested issues in university governance including the role of government, students as funders, the community of scholars, and the role of the governing body.
John Hogan is Registrar at Newcastle University. He was appointed in September 2002 and retires at the end of March 2022. He was previously Academic Registrar (1993-1999) and then Registrar and Secretary (1999-2002) at the University of Durham. He started his career in higher education administration in 1986 at the University of Warwick where he held a number of posts including working in the International Office and Graduate School.He has held various national roles including periods as Deputy Chair of the Association of Heads of University Administration and Chair of Perspectives, Policy and Practice in Higher Education Editorial Advisory Board. He is a Fellow of the Association of University Administrators.
Live Q&A:
The lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with the speaker. You can submit a question in advance by sending an email to or during the event using YouTube Live Chat or via Twitter @InsightsNCL.
This event will be hosted on YouTube, registration is not required.
Watch from Thursday 24 March at 5.30pm landscape.jpg)