Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne Lecture: The way, the word, and the water: The archaeology of 17th century Newcastle by Dr Pam Graves
Dr Pam Graves, Durham University
Date/Time: Wednesday 25 October 2023, 6.00pm
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There are iconographical aspects to the material environment of the 17th and early 18th century city: the merchant houses on Sandhill and aspirations to a New Jerusalem created by Puritan-leaning merchants during the Commonwealth; the merchant ledger slab in St Nicholas’s Cathedral; and the provision of public water supply: the idea of ‘the material culture of neighbourhood’ applied to Newcastle.
Pam did her PhD on religious practice in later medieval churches in Norfolk and Devon, based in the Archaeology Department, University of Glasgow, but her working life from 1988 until 1995 was in urban archaeology – York, Lincoln, for a short time in Leicester and Shrewsbury. She considers being taken on by Newcastle to work on the Newcastle upon Tyne Archaeological Assessment with David Heslop was the turning point in her career, a collaboration that continues to be productive and innovative. She was appointed to a lectureship at Durham University’s Department of Archaeology in 1996, where she continues to develop aspects of both urbanism and religious life, as well as artefact studies, in her research and teaching.
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