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Making connections for a nature- and people-positive world by Professor Anusha Shah

Date:18 February 2025 |
Time:17:30 - 18:30
Location:Curtis Auditorium, Herschel Building, Newcastle University

Professor Anusha Shah, President, Immediate Past President of Civil Engineers

Climate and nature, and ecosystems and human societies, are interdependent. Engineers and infrastructure professionals of today and tomorrow should focus not on building assets, but connections: leading a collaborative, transdisciplinary, ethics-based movement towards systemwide interventions that provide humanity with multiple benefits and restore and rejuvenate nature, rather than just do less harm to it.


Anusha is the Immediate Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. She was the third woman and first person of colour to be elected as president in over 200 years of ICE history.

She’s a senior director for resilient cities and UK climate change adaptation lead at Arcadis, a non-executive director at the Met Office, a trustee at the Green Alliance and a visiting professor at Edinburgh University.

Anusha specialises in water and environmental engineering and has over 22 years of experience in designing, managing and leading projects and programmes in the UK and internationally.