Expanding opportunity in education (Jubilee Development Lecture)
Kevin Watkins, Executive Director, Overseas Development Institute
Date/Time: 27th November 2014
Fifteen years ago governments came together to agree a set of ambitious goals aimed at delivering education for all. The international community is now debating a new set of 'post-2015' education goals.
How far have we come over the last 15 years? What has been learnt? And what are the prospects for achieving good quality education for all over the next decade?
Speaker biography
Kevin Watkins is Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute. He is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a senior visiting research fellow at the Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University. Previously, he was the director and lead author of UNESCO's Education for All Global Monitoring Report (2007 to 2010) and the UNDP Human Development Report, where he led the research on reports covering global poverty and inequality, the global water crisis, and climate change.
Prior to working with the United Nations, he worked for thirteen years with Oxfam, where he authored major reports on African debt, international trade and Oxfam's Education Report. He holds a BA in Politics and Social Science from Durham University and a doctorate from Oxford University.
His research interests include poverty and inequality, education, approaches to equity in public spending and inclusive economic growth.
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