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Tackling uncertainty in organisations. The future: opportunity or threat? (R W Mann Lecture)

Clive Morton OBE, Professor of Corporate Governance and Business Development, Middlesex University Business School

Date/Time:  25th February 2016

All organisations know that for growth and sustainability, uncertainty needs to be minimised. However, all the ingredients for business inherently bring uncertainty. Question marks reside over:

  • contributions of employees, both individually and collectively
  • the leadership of the organisation
  • the intrinsic culture
  • external influences and relationships
  • the economic, political, societal and technological environment

This lifelong action research study purports to offer some of the answers to the conundrum: drawing on theory and experience of change in manufacturing industry and supply chains in the North East of England and internationally; electricity and water utilities; construction industry and NHS Foundation Trusts.

The conclusion raises the challenge as to whether conventional wisdom on leadership and governance of organisations and the workplace is fit for purpose, in terms of encouraging growth and sustainability in 2016.

Speaker biography

Clive was Chairman of Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust from 1996 to 2008 and was previously Chairman of Gateshead Hospitals NHS Trust. He was the founder Chairman of the Post-Graduate Medical Education and Training Board, appointed by the Secretary of State for Health.

With a degree in engineering from Leeds University, Clive started his career as a civil engineer in the construction industry. Latterly, following a PhD in Industrial Relations from the LSE, he focused on HR at board level and has worked as a Director of Human Resources at Anglian Water, Director of Wimpey Offshore and Wimpey Engineering, Komatsu, Northern Electric and Rolls Royce IPG.

He was appointed OBE in 1992 for services to manufacturing and the community in the North East.

In 1988 he helped to establish the social enterprise, Northern Pinetree Trust at Komatsu, Gateshead, which continues to run today and aims to help those with disabilities into work or to set up their own businesses.

He is Associate Professor at Middlesex University Business School and a former Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

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