The geography of poverty – why place really matters (Lord Patten Lecture on Social Renewal)
Julia Unwin, Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust.
Date/Time: 22nd November 2016
Poverty is frequently seen either as an indicator of individual weakness, or as an inevitable by-product of dysfunctional – and unjust – structural systems. The importance of geography and place in causing and solving poverty is often overlooked.
In this lecture Julia Unwin explored the geography of poverty and the difference places can make, and describe the challenges for public policy if it is to be truly place-based.
Ahead of the publication of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s comprehensive strategy to solve UK poverty, Julia considered the different ways in which our view of place shapes our responses to poverty.
A transcript of Julia's talk is also available on the Joseph Rowntree Foundation website.
Listen to a recording of this lecture