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Celebrating Student Research Scholarships and Expeditions 2018

Date/Time:  Wednesday 21 November 2018

Presentations by students showcasing the achievements of their diverse summer research scholarships and expeditions. These challenging projects reflect the broad range of academic interests across all three of the University’s faculties. Accompanying posters will be on display in the Lindisfarne Room, Hadrian Building, from 4.30pm.

  • A Review of Patient Decisions Aids in Older People to Address Polypharmacy - Ausaf Hayat Khan, Mpharm Pharmacy
  • Materialising Witchcraft at the Salem Witch Trials (1692-1693) - Cathleen Burton, BA Hons Archaeology
  • Attitudes to and effects of international actors in the Cyprus conflict - Nicholas Sundin, Ben Atkinson, Sarah Edwards & Esther Michel-Spraggett, BA (Hons) Geography
  • Motorised finger for Partial hand amputation - Cristovao Mario Cacombe, MEng (Hons) Electronics Communications
  • Experimental Bronze Age Copper Smelting: a tool for research and outreach - Marco Romeo Pitone, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology; Victoria A. L. Lucas, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology; Kypros Kyprianou, MA Student in Digital Creative Practice and Film Practice, Culture Lab; Katie Oswell, MA Student in Digital Creative Practice and Film Practice, Culture Lab; Jasmine Padgett, MA Student Digital Creative Practice and Film Practice, Culture Lab; Alicia H. Sawyer, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology; Amber S. Roy, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology; Violeta Tsenova, PhD Candidate in Digital Humanities, School of History, Classics and Archaeology
  • To investigate and find correlation between the goals and outcomes of all participants in a short-term study abroad program in Granada, Spain - Ann Kathryn Waschko, MA Cross-Cultural Communication
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