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New voices on science, agriculture and engineering

Date/Time:  Thursday 2 May 2019

Three early-career researchers from the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering at Newcastle University shared their new ideas through their research.

Mapping the Margins: Navigating the Ecologies of Domestic Violence Service Provision - Rosanna Bellini, School of Computing

The effects of domestic violence are devastating for victim-survivors and their families, requiring multi-partner responses across crime, health and social care agencies. Yet how do researchers navigate this sensitive landscape? Rosanna will show how digital design can help to identify tensions in services’ access, understandings of technologies and working practices.

Food Fraud: Current Issues and a Novel Way to Combat it - Abi Smith, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Instances of food fraud are on the increase, with worldwide, large scale operations being uncovered monthly. A new technique is being applied to certain plant based produce, including whole grains, in order to aid the progression of food authentication techniques, and help protect consumers 

Interior Design that Walks and Talks! - Sara Nabil, School of Computing

Imagine future interior spaces that can change shape, colour and patterns in response to seamless sensing stitched into the fabric of soft furnishing. In her research, Sara explores smart materials to design smart spaces and make the case for embedding interaction design into interior design in what I call "interioraction".

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