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PROFESSOR GRAHAM ROWLES, Visiting Fellow at Newcastle University

The Place of our Elders

Date/Time:  13th July 2010, 17:30 - 18:30

Click here to listen to a recording of this lecture 


This lecture will explore the way in which an older person’s experience of their environment evolves in old age and the importance that this has for their well-being.  Professor Rowles will explore themes such as body awareness and the rhythm and routine of daily activities as well as the meaning of home in the context of the life-course.  What issues arise from the severance from place when this meaning is undermined by the need for relocation as care needs increase.


Graham Rowles is Professor in the Graduate Centre for Gerontology with joint appointments in Nursing, Behavioural Science, Geography and Health Behaviour. His research, in the field of environmental gerontology, focuses on the lived experience of aging in different contexts. A central theme of this work is exploration, employing qualitative methodologies, of the changing relationship between elders and their environments with advancing age and the implications of these relationships for health and wellbeing. He has conducted in-depth ethnographic research with elderly populations in urban (inner city), rural (Appalachian), and nursing facility environments. Current research includes leadership of the Kentucky Elder Readiness Initiative (KERI), a statewide project to explore the implications for communities of the aging of the Baby Boom cohort. His publications include Prisoners of Space? and five co-edited volumes, Aging and Milieu, Qualitative Gerontology, Long-Term Care for the Rural Elderly, Qualitative Gerontology: A Contemporary Perspective, and Home and Identity in Late Life in addition to more than 60 book chapters and articles. He is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education and serves on the editorial boards of The Journal of Applied Gerontology and the Journal of Housing for the Elderly. Professor Rowles is President–Elect of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.


This lecture is part of the Changing Age programme of events, for more information about the campaign please visit