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Tony Durcan, Director of Culture, Libraries and Lifelong Learning, Newcastle City Council

Newcastle’s new City Library: a beacon for book, knowledge and space

Date/Time:  10th February 2011, 17:30 - 18:30



Since 1882, Newcastle has had three main city libraries – the most recent built in 2009. In recent years there has been continued media debate about the future of public libraries, which has heightened during the current economic climate.


So why, in such financially challenging times, is a city library important? Why do we still need (large) libraries in this digital/Google age and why, as in Newcastle’s case, should a city library be such a quality building and space? When the case is made for a major new library, how do we ensure the resulting building is fit, both for present and future purposes, how do we make it relevant to its community, and what will ensure its success?


Tony Durcan is Director of Culture, Libraries and Lifelong Learning at Newcastle City Council, was previously Head of Libraries, Arts and Information for Gateshead Library and Arts Service, and has had a variety of experience from trainee to district librarian.


Public library priorities in Newcastle have been to work with colleagues to modernise services and create a positive profile for the library service, which is now held in high regard by both the Council and stakeholders. One of Tony’s major projects has been the development of Newcastle’s City Library through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) route, and the Council opened its new City Library in January 2009 to a very positive and sustained public response.


A former President of the Society of Chief Librarians, Tony currently chairs SCL’s Books and Reading Group. He was a member of the former Advisory Council on Libraries and a Board member for the 2008–09 Public Libraries Modernisation Review.