Our Facilities
Research methods for Global Challenges
This project promotes the understanding and application of:
- creative social sciences
- arts
- humanities research methods
It aims to showcase a collection of innovative methods that researchers across our team use.
Here, you’ll find examples of creative research methods developed by researchers. The methods are available as bite-sized capsules, including:
- dance
- theatre
- coffee talks
- social cartography
- and many more
Each item focuses on a research method. The showcase highlights its application and the challenges and opportunities it presents. Plus, it highlights our contributions to addressing specific SDGs.
The key aims of this platform, in relation to water security and sustainability, are to:
- support researchers in developing a more holistic approach to collaborative global research
- highlight the importance of cultural and subjective values and life practices
- empower our hub partners, PhD students and ECRs to be creative, enterprising and innovative
- support researchers in developing a more holistic approach to global collaborative research
- enhance understanding of cultural and subjective values and life practices
Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub
The Water Security & Sustainable Development Hub aims to enable sustainable water security. The hub is doing so by developing a systems approach that:
- better understands water systems
- values all aspects of water
- strengthens water governance to enable integrated water management
The hub has a global suite of collaborators who regularly meet to develop new ideas that address the challenge of water security.
The suite includes researchers, project partners and stakeholders from:
Our collaboratories facilitate the opportunity for co-design, co-production and co-evaluation.
Find out more HERE
National Green Infrastructure Facility (NGIF)
This facility, hosted by Newcastle University, is a living laboratory. The facility underpins research into sustainable drainage systems and green infrastructure approaches. It aims to make urban centres more resilient and sustainable for future generations.
The NGIF hosts a range of research projects that promote nature-based designs, including:
- Extreme Event Swale (PDF:244KB)
- Climate Adaptation Control Technologies for Urban Spaces (PDF:420KB)
- Assessment, Costing and enHancement of long lIfe, Long Linear assets (PDF:300KB)
- Urban Green DaMS (PDF: 255KB)
- Priming Laboratory EXperiments on infrastructure and Urban Systems (PDF:400KB)
Biological Engineering: Wastewater Innovation at Scale (BEWISe)
Newcastle University’s new Biological Engineering: Wastewater Innovation at Scale (BEWISe) facility is the first of its type in Europe in large-scale wastewater treatment research using bacteria. The facility is based at Northumbrian Water’s sewage treatment plant at Birtley, near Gateshead.
Download the BEWISe Brochure to find out more about the equipment available at BEWISe.
It will play a key role in improving how sewage is treated. It will do this by speeding up the transition from existing energy-intensive treatment processes to low carbon alternatives with lower running costs.