Euler's Formula and Euler's Identity


Euler's Formula states that for any real $x$,

\[e^{i x}=\cos{x}+i \sin{x},\]

where $i$ is the imaginary unit, $i=\sqrt{-1}$.

Trigonometric Identities

Euler's formula can be used to derive the following identities for the trigonometric functions $\sin{x}$ and $\cos{x}$ in terms of exponential functions:

\begin{align} \cos{x} &= \frac{ e^{i x} + e^{-i x} }{2} \\ \sin{x} &= \frac{ e^{i x} - e^{-i x} }{2i} \end{align}

Derivation of the Identities

First note that:

\[e^{-i x} = \cos(-x)+i \sin(-x).\]

Now recall that $\cos{x}$ is an even function, so $\cos(-x)=\cos{x}$. Furthermore, $\sin{x}$ is an odd function, so $\sin(-x)=-\sin{x}$.


\begin{align} e^{-i x} &= \cos(-x)+i \sin(-x), \\ &= \cos{x} - i\sin{x}. \end{align}

An expression for $\cos{x}$ is found by taking the sum of $ e^{i x}$ and $ e^{-i x}$:

\[e^{i x} + e^{-i x} = (\cos{x}+i \sin{x}) + (\cos{x}-i \sin{x}).\]

Notice that the $i \sin{x}$ terms cancel, giving

\[e^{i x} + e^{-i x} = 2\cos{x}.\]

Dividing both sides of this expression by $2$ gives the identity for $\cos{x}$

\[\cos{x}=\frac{ e^{i x} + e^{-i x} }{2}.\]

An expression for $\sin{x}$ is now found by taking the difference of $ e^{i x}$ and $ e^{-i x}$

\[e^{i x} - e^{-i x} = (\cos{x}+i\sin{x}) - (\cos{x}-i\sin{x}).\]

Notice that now the $\cos{x}$ terms cancel, giving

\begin{align} e^{i x} - e^{-i x} &= i \sin{x} - (-i \sin{x}) \\ &= 2i\sin{x}. \end{align}

Dividing both sides of this expression by $2i$ gives the identity for $\sin{x}$

\[\sin{x} = \frac{ e^{i x} - e^{-i x} }{2i}.\]

Euler's Identity

Euler's Identity is a special case of Euler's Formula, obtained from setting $x=\pi$:

\begin{align} e^{i\pi} &=\cos{\pi}+i\sin{\pi} \\ &= -1, \end{align}

since $\cos{\pi}=-1$ and $\sin{\pi}=0$.

Euler's Identity is conventionally written in the form


It is not necessary to memorise Euler's Identity. It is included here, however, as it is regarded by many to be an object of mathematical beauty.

See Also

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